Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chris Drinking

I don't know what I think about anything, but I heard Chris is still getting totally smashed. Which means he isn't able to breathe at night when he sleeps and he doesn't even know or remember this in the morning. Unless he was also doing drugs when I knew him but he said no, even though his skin was like it was on fire, it was so hot, like abnormally high temperature.

I don't know what my issue is exactly, but I would like more information for one thing. If he's not FBI or W.W. or any of those things, I'd like to know how he had info on ME. But still, I don't want him to die.

I've never wanted anyone I reported, or complained about, to die.

I am very serious about getting the DNA analyzed to set a legal precedent for single women to get the other party which is responsible for pregnancy, to cover part of medical costs. I think it's an interesting and progressive idea.

I am feminist, but I love men to death (literally!) and I actually, if I were a lawyer, would be the type who would want to fight for fathers' rights to custody and for awareness of the damages it does to a man, just as it would a woman, but men are conditioned to hide it or ignore it. Therein breeding a new host of problems.

I almost think I should just sue him on principle for other women AND because I have costs. If I find out for sure he's FBI, I would add that to my list of greivances against the FBI.

On the other hand, if he entered a serious long-term rehab, I might consider forgiving him enough for having an issue to not sue him for medical costs. He chose not to wear the condom, knowing I was not on birth control, and I allowed it. Which is NOT typical for me at ALL, but I didn't think I was in the right time of my cycle. I did love him though. I didn't know it then, but I did. I loved him maybe not in the full romantic sense, but I loved him and haven't been more hurt over an entire chain of events since high school.

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