Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Dream Long Ago

I had this dream, a very, very, long time ago, about the man I was going to marry. That was the impression of the dream at least, or maybe we didn't marry but we were souls united at last.

It involves blue eyes so I am not referencing Chris after just writing about him, but I heard this song by Journey "Separate Ways" and it made me think of this dream.

In my dream, I was getting on the bus or subway or something, or I was already on the bus I guess. This guy got on, and he had a guitar and all I remember is that he had these piercing blue eyes. I just remember his eyes were very, very, blue, a startling color and he sat down next to me and I knew that was it. I was united with my soulmate in some kind of way and I couldn't see his face, just his eyes. And, he had a guitar with him, in a carry-on case and I think that was it.

I can't remember if we kissed or not. It seems we did, but if not, it was a connection thing. I wrote it down. I didn't know anyone like that, at the time, at that time of my life and I wasn't thinking about romance in particular so I wondered what it meant.

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