Friday, March 20, 2009

My Good for Nothing Family

For those who think maybe I haven't tried to appeal for help from my family--a copy, carefully drafted by my mother for preview by the public (as she knows I am posting everything online now). I am not even going to answer this or defend myself against her "opinion" because anyone with half a brain knows what I've been through is not normal and has nothing to do with me but with criminal violations of law and defamation of my character. As for my not "following directions", notice how my mother thinks I should have followed "directions" of public defenders who wouldn't even hand over a copy of my case file, who didn't file doctor's notes so I could get change of venue for medical issues, and who didn't communicate with me for almost one month after being assigned to my case. Paul Cassel is a Wenatchee person my Aunt Locklyn worked for, and he did what THEY wanted, not what was in my best interests, which is the same thing Wellbaum did, except SHE was more interested in getting discovery of my medical records as she WORKED for Davis Arneil, the only firm to represent the same hospital I was trying to SUE for medical malpractice. My mother suggests I "humble" myself before individuals who screwed me over, and who broke the law and did favors for eachother, not for me. THIS is my family. And her claim that it would "drain their life savings" is a bunch of bullshit. Not only did they promise to pay for a private attorney, they can well afford it.

They have lied to their own parents about their assets for years, cheat on their taxes, and try to nickel and dime their own kids to claim deductions on having "dependents" when they're no longer dependents. My mother is the type of woman who sat in the car with her kids, eating a bag of candy in front of her children, and when asked, by us, if we could have some, she'd say "no" and then say, after we pleaded, "Well, maybe two." My father has turned into a spineless person whom the rest of the Bairds have never liked and who they criticize for "making your poor mother work so hard" when HE was the one supporting my mother for years while she was supposed to be taking care of the kids and the house, instead of reading romance novels and talking on the phone all day. That's all she did, unless it was something for HER, to find a way to make money until one day Granny died and she could pull out that gold tooth with a pair of pliers.

Re: desperate for answer‏
Sent: Thu 3/19/09 9:07 PM

Hi Cameo,
I know we told you in the past that we honestly feel you will get Oliver back if you will work WITH CPS and the court.
We would not say that if we didn't truly believe it. I have talked with two objective attorneys who have told me they honestly believe that to be true.
Yes, you could probably also get him back with a private attorney...and whatever recommendations that attorney would make----If you followed them.
However, since we do think you will be successful without us draining our life savings, and since you have shown in the past
that you are not always willing to follow your attorneys' instructions, we do not feel it is necessary or wise for us to go further in that direction.
Again, if you do not feel capable or 'up to' representing yourself pro se, I honestly believe that if you humbled yourself and apologized
to the court, you would again be appointed with a public defender who would have a fiduciary obligation to do his best for you. But, if you do that, you
need to be willing to take his guidance and treat him/her with respect.
It is my understanding that CPS has given you a list of professionals who can do your evaluations....YOU can choose the one you want.
Check around, look at credentials and referrals if necessary, but choose one you feel is competent & objective. Interview some if necessary & possible.
Aren't some of them even from the WA DC area? ; I don't know that, but gathered it was the case. If not, I know they are giving you options outside
of the Wenatchee area. Pick one in Bellingham or Seattle or Spokane if that makes you feel better. THEN, move to Wenatchee OR move
within easy commuting distance of Wenatchee (Ellensburg, Moses Lake, etc) so that you can start up visitation again with the son you have not
seen for several months. He is a darling boy, and has grown a lot since you left. Put aside your pride and your mistrust of others. Focus on Oliver
and what's best for him. Work with the court and they will work with you; fight them and they will fight you. The choice is yours, we can't do it for you.
Love, Mom and Dad

-----Original Message-----
From: cam huegenot
Sent: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 1:15 pm
Subject: desperate for answer

I really need to know if you and Dad are still willing to uphold your promise to pay for an independent psych eval?

I am losing time and need some of the very basics and have spoken with many lawyers who say this should only be done by someone who is independent, not the state.

It also seems you do no t care if Oliver is ever with me again. I think you prefer to have Holly and Pablo take him. I have asked, so many times, for support, and I don't mean just financial support that you promised, but basic, normal, emotional support. It's never been your forte, but you have completely abandoned your only daughter.

Your own parents wonder about your prerogatives and even your Dad (and Granny of course) wonder out loud at how you take money meant for the whole family, which was a Christmas gift your other brothers and sisters distributed to their whole families, and just kept everything yourselves.

I feel, as have others, you've been unwilling to do your part, at all.. You don't know what it is to sacrifice anything or even how to keep promises.

You've constantly doubted me and act as though we've always been on good terms when you know this isn't true. We've never, really, been on good terms other than the effort I made to call and keep in touch.

I have no idea when the state plans to file termination papers, but I've been extremely ill with medical problems and yet I'm expected to handle all my own legal affairs. I have been hospitalized several times, for extended periods and it was impossible for you to be supportive even then..

If you were so interested in the truth and really, in my getting Oliver back, I would think you would follow through on your word to pay for at le ast the independent psych eval. Meanwhile, Granny is telling me everyone in YOUR family wants Oliver to stay with Holly and Pablo and that everyone thinks it's better for HIM.

It seems all your claims, your words and promises, have been unfulfilled by action.

I am asking again, as I've not received any response from you.

It is no use pretending, any longer, for the court, or public, or my blog, that you love me. But I would think you would at least care about people feeling they can trust you to be a person of their word and everyone has evidence you've not been this. If not with their own DAUGHTER, exactly WHO are you always honest with?

It seriously calls your entire set of ethics into question. I know I am saving all these emails for Oliver when he's older. He'll be able to read about everything I did and all the emails and letters I sent you, and he will wonder, don't you think? At least a lot of people over here and my old friends: geoff, kelly halverson, and others, seriously questionn your variety of "Christianity". I've had several ask if you guys go to church anymore. In the meantime, YOU'RE the ones telling me to go to church and I agreed, but you are not even able to show me any kind of standard of christianity.

I don't see Jesus, at all, or his actions, in your lives. You may go to church all the time, and pray and even "fast" but I look at your words and actions and know what I've been through, and I don't see God and it's not just me either.

I ask for very little, but I guess you don't care how you are remembered. You let me "go" long ago, and I always knew, before you ever sent me that horrid letter, about not loving me anymore, and your wonderful influence Patty, that you didn't love me.

What puzzles me is what is wrong with Dad. I question why he's going to Burns after all this time, for a specific reason, but you know what? I was the one to save your marriage the first time, and you were spiteful and I did it out of pity for you.

You don't even have enough empathy to take pity on me and my son and follow through on very small things.

I pitied you, in your misery, and considered what you wanted and not what you deserved. You were so horrible to me, anyone could say you deserved to be divorced, but I thought about you and reminded Dad how sad you used to look in photos as a little girl and I put the blame for your behavior on someone else, to help you get back what you wanted.

That was from one woman to another. Not even as mother-daughter, but woman to woman.

I am only asking you to return the favor for my love of my son.


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