Saturday, March 28, 2009

Good Energy

(This is so weird, this song "I'm Still Breathing" by Katy Perry. All these clock ticking songs. Anyway, for the last about 2 hours I could tell people were praying for me. That weird positive energy again coming from who knows where. It is now 11:15 a.m. This one too--satellite. I don't know, now I'm in the phase where I hear "red and white" and everything know, when you're looking for a yellow car and everything is yellow? where maybe there are NOT a lot of new yellow cars on the road, but suddenly you notice everything? So very, very, weird though, this positive energy. And I felt it last night when I was talking to the woman from Germany too, or about that time. I am trying to figure this thing out because it's very pronounced and when the bad vibe or sad vibe is there, it's very pronounced. I don't know how to describe it. But for at least the last hour, and possibly 2 hours, that very strong and positive energy and it's SO WEIRD. I like "Madly" with the hands clapping--the clapping is my favorite part)

Now it's 11:45 a.m. and it's sort of gone. It's the afterglow. Like something is gone. Sad and positive at the same time. Actually, really sort of sad. Really sad. 11:51 a.m. and it's the heaviness feeling and sadness with just a little positive energy at the grips. Something about grips. what the hell are grips? Anyway, someone left I think. Something isn't so positive anymore.

I looked in the mirror, in the bathroom, and I look like SHIT. This is NOT a good day for me, lookswise. I didn't wash my hair this morning and just threw it up and didn't really do my make up either.

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