Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Story About Chris Dabney (Will Wagler?)

I am finally strong enough to write about this. I got rid of the bracelet which was a good first step, and I had to think about what was really more likely or unlikely. So, here goes...How I met "Chris Dabney" and what he was up to when I knew him.

I will also write about how I met Exxon. But Chris Dabney deserves his own page and I have to incorporate it into my OIG/FBI complaint.

I was in D.C., new to the area and someone had directed me to the Farragut area. I don't remember who but someone just "tipped me off" and I ended up in the NW Farragut area and they told me to just keep to that section.

(I will be right back)

I have to find out if it's Will first. I don't know. I am also in love with him, yes. But I can't help that. It is the first time I've been in love with someone who was a total asshole and whom I have to report probabably and was maybe against me from the start...I don't know, but I have to at least say, for once in my life, I did fall in love, in a weird way, as an adult. It is too bad. It is a little strange and I have to know if it's Will, but I don't know. At any rate, I miss him and I wish I could be around him but that's not something he's wanted or indicated, and I do question how he dropped off the face of the earth?

It is hard to write though, because I care about him still. Michelle Branch's "You Get Me". One up for Bryan or Miss Chris.

I called to make sure he wasn't dying, just to be sure and it seems, he's fine. If he's dying, I would like to know, if anyone was or is ever dying.

I just rolled Henry's sleeves. We're all going out I guess. I need a drink I suppose, and to dance. I wish it was r&b or rap or hip hop though bc I cannot dance to salsa and latin stuff. I wing it, and it shows.

LOL. this one is so true...Marie Digby's "Unfold" ...that's me. Saying whatever shit but not wanting people to see me.

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