Monday, March 16, 2009

Inner Beauty of the Woman in the Silver Van

I am making placemarks for all these things I want to write about today.

This one was for a woman I noticed when my ex was driving me to the cafe. There was this woman about 3 cars ahead of us, to the left, in a plain silver van, wearing a red or rust and perhaps white or cream patterned headscarf and I could hardly even see her profile and I pointed her out. I said, "Look at that woman, she is so pretty!" He looked and neither one of us could see much. Hardly even her profile. She was alone in the van, but I said, she's really beautiful. And then, I said, you know what, I think there is SOMETHING beautiful about her, inside, I felt that "energy" that she is really beautiful. Maryland plates and we didn't see her head-on but something about her was very good.

I also saw this van go by, marked, "Natural Resources Police." I said to A., "what is THAT?!" and said, there's police for everything over here. I said, "I'm going to get a car and put a big sticker or sign on it that says "Medical Professional Assholes Police." He laughed.

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