Monday, March 16, 2009

Hearing Russian Dialect Today

Another marker for a post. I overheard the most beautiful language today and I couldn't pick it out. It was very fluid and I couldn't tell, by looking at the couple, what country they were from. I asked, as they were leaving, and they said it was RUSSIAN!

Somehow it sounded different. Not quite as gutteral or rough as I've sometimes heard, and it almost sounded slightly...not from the latin exactly...but hmmm. I said, "Oh! it's beautiful!"

I never would have guessed the man was Russian. Mabye the woman could have looked sort of Russian. I wonder if people in Russia have different dialects? if it sounds very different from one part to the next?

I was hearing it and just thought it was beautiful. At first I thought French, but then I thought, no, maybe Middle Eastern? sort of, and then that didn't fit either. But it didn't fit the Russian I've heard in the past so perhaps it's from a different part of Russia. Very attractive couple.

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