Monday, March 16, 2009

Blond Woman Beaten

I keep thinking about the image I wrote of the blond woman (I couldn't see her face) who was strangled (still living I think, but maybe died? I didn't feel she was dead) and head bashed agaisnt the wall and hog-tied. I thought, I wonder if this happened to someone recently or to someone I've met or what. Because I wrote part of it and then after I was already writing something else, I saw her head bashed against the wall. It flashed in front of me when that wasn't in my original frame or image. But it came out of nowhere and so I then added it, because I saw this. I wondered why it came to mind when I was thinking about something else so that's why I wonder if it really happened to some woman. Like, either recently or to someone who is connected to someone I've met or something.

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