Monday, March 16, 2009

No Period

I'm not having periods anymore. I know what happened to me and my son when we were in Wenatchee and I seriously wonder if I am going to get cancer and then die.

This guy in Wenatchee told me that the type of technology used to hack desktop computers would be strong enough to eventually stop periods...they would taper off and then be no more and that cancer usually develops within 5 years and then women die from it.

He said the Soviets used this in older wars and this was what happened. I'm not blaming soviets, because I've no idea who did this, but I know it happened. My periods have tapered away to nothing, just like the article microwave ablation articles say this happens.

I was right, and have been right, about every other medical thing. I was not and have never been delusional. My son and I were targeted and we were harmed. And it makes me wonder how long I have to live, if this is true. It's not normal and the pattern fits this. It's not stress related.

And all the woman in my family, on both sides, do not go through menopause or anything until they're in their 50s. And they live long lives.

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