Friday, March 6, 2009

Operation Sting: U.S. Wants Me In Jail

I had some U.S. government guy try to pull a sting on me. I am positive he is government and I'll explain why.

This just happened in the last couple of days. Not surprised, given I've been writing out my OIG complaint, and the fact I'm trying to pull together evidence and other documentation to fix the false Hyattsville thing and then get myself organized to fight Washington state.

By the way, I did try to set up some sort of trust fund or find out what my account number was. I have an account with PNC I believe, and one with Well's Fargo. An old credit union account too. But the banker said I shouldn't give it out because of computer theft. I did wonder about that, and he said competent hackers could deduct funds from any account I published and he didn't recommend it. So I think I have to set up an actual address for having things sent to me, if someone wants to make donations.

Okay, on the "sting". It was a full-on attempt to frame and trap me and have me arrested for something which would send me to JAIL. And there is no way that guy was NOT U.S. government. Which is why I've been saying I need "international support" and I'm not even joking.

It was last Wednesday, of this week. I went to the Hyattsville courthouse and only told my fiance where I was going. I told him in our house, where we're staying. I showed up and I noticed two different times, in two different rooms, this guy was behind me in line. I had gone to the wrong room first. So then I went to the right room, and I was there to appeal the false restraining order that woman put on me to get me out of the house, after trying to illegally evict me. The same situation where her friend assaulted me.

So I was in the right room, at the courthouse, and the same guy speaks up to give advice about helping me with legal affairs. I turned around, glad to hear some advice and went with him into a room. For someone who claimed to be "pro se", he certaintly knew a lot about the law, just off-hand. He even knew latin language for the law and I think tried to mask his knowledge by acting like he didn't know how to fully pronounce the word.

I told him a little about my whole situation, and then he helped me fill out papers to appeal the thing, with "out of time" motion, pro nunc tuc or tunc or whatever. Then I went to another place to have coffee with him and discuss my legal options, and I liked him. I thought he was there to help me. He had the same birthdate as me, and I noticed he had sectoral heterochromia. He made a big deal about having the same birthdate as me. And a last name similiar to mine. Strange coincidence.

Clue 1: Before leaving for coffee, I followed him out of the courthouse and to the parking garage. I noticed his car was a Mercury sedan--the exact make and model that the FBI has a contract with. It's their main car of service. I had a guy in Portland, OR, a lawyer, whose father was in the FBI, tell me about this, how Mercury had secured a major contract with the FBI. Not that they don't use other cars. I don't know, maybe regular police use Mercury too. Then...

Clue 2: We went back into the courthouse and the security guards acknowledged him like a familiar face and I saw some other guards from above the landing watching with approval and the main armed security guards took one look at this guy and they nodded and WAVED HIM PAST SECURITY without checking our bags and doing a personal search. That is not normal and would never be okay unless this guy was known as a "safe" guy who never had to go through security. He tried to pass this off as "they already checked us" but I know, like everyone else, they check you EVERY single time you leave and then try to re-enter. You don't just get waved by because you passed through fine the first time. What kind of idiot security would THAT be? "Hey, hold my place in line--I'm just going to my car to get my gun, and I'll be right back." Yeah, right. So I noticed.

Clue 3: He had me follow him to a restaurant, and then he first tried to convince me not to get engaged or actually, I was already engaged, so married. After trying this, and voicing suspicion, he brought up a nice little set-up package. He said he was going to call his friend who was Latino and tell me how "these guys who want green cards operate." So he talks to his buddy who then right off the bat, makes a proposal to me. Interesting how it was over the phone where the call could easily be recorded. He said he was Latino and he had a guy who would marry me and help me with all my legal affairs to get my son back. He said, "I have someone who will give you $20,000 right off the bat, and then at least $500 per month for the next two years until they get their green card." He went on to say the U.S. liked guys who were professionals and that THIS other guy was a DOCTOR and the U.S. would be happy to have someone like that in the states and it's good for everybody and everybody is "happy". He then asked me a bunch of questions about my fiance and our
situation and asked if I'd had sex with him before agreeing to marry him (where it's possible he could get a green card) or not. All kinds of timing questions, and what happened first. He wanted me to agree to ditch my fiance for a better financial arrangement is what he said. I played along and wanted to see what was up. I asked him where he was born and what country he was a citizen of and he said the U.S. and that he was an American citizen.

Clue 4: I'll refer to him as "P". P. Wanted me to give me some cash ($20) and calling cards. He told me this was all a secret and don't tell anyone, and not to call him on my cell phone, but from these specific calling cards. He said my fiance and others might check up on things. He also took all of my papers for my case and wrote down HIS address for things to be mailed to and kept the originals. He said he'd help me with my case and that I should get the woman for assaulting me. He asked to keep my medical record for making a motion for me. I gave him my originals (later asked for them back). He put down an address and I said, I didn't think it was good to have this in the public record, where people could see the address. He said it didn't matter because it was a "drop".

Clue 5: P. Goes to a store and buys two calling cards for me. But he doesn't just give me the $5 calling cards. I noticed they are MARKED with a thick black permanent black magic marker. Numbers. Numbers for fucking identifying the calling cards. And then, he tears THAT part off and keeps it, and gives ME just the cards without the numbers which were freshly written on the outside part of the card frame.
My thought--why were the cards numbered with fresh marker unless the U.S. was planning to tap, somehow, calls from these specific calling card numbers? But wanted to make ME think I was doing some kind of sneaky thing I'd get away with? A total set up and attempt to trap and FRAME me.

Clue 6: Inconsistencies of P. and his proposals. First he just said not to get married and that my fiance just wanted a "trophy" wife (ha! which cracks me up, because haha, I am not a trophy wife by definition). THEN he calls his friend, and his friend, over the phone, tries to make a "deal" which is totally illegal, right from the bat. It's a cold, hard, paper deal with no actual relationship or personal involvement. There are no blurry or fuzzy or indistinguishable lines. Very easy to prosecute, by clean and clear cut definition. And I'm being offered this, when I told P. how desperate I was to have financial assistance for my legal fees and costs for appealing the state case and filing a federal case for violations.

Then, P. calls me and says his friend will call me to meet the guy and talk and discuss the proposition.

Clue 7: I get back to the house and say nothing to my fiance. Then, the next morning, after sleeping with me, he says he's rethinking marriage. Out of the blue. So I said why and what was going on, and he was stringing me along through everything to the very last minute, to dump this on me and tell me to go to Wenatchee by myself, with absolutely NOTHING and not even time to spare? One thing my fiance had said he was interested in, was helping me with the financial end of things to fight for my son, and that he was interested in being a support and going with me to Wenatchee. Suddenly, he's bailing, and with full confidence. He says he's decided he'll just go back to Colombia and then, since he wants to work in the U.S., will reapply and was confident he'd have no problems. I flipped out. He got mad that I DARED be mad about this, and I explained, what are you going to do, just kick me to the curb with nothing? and he said no, he'd pay for my one way ticket to Wenatchee or for a little time to live on my own in D.C., and here it's down to the wire and he's known I have a deadline for going back to my son. Then I said, whatever you want--it's your life, and you have to make decisions for yourself. So then he looks at me like he's stumped or something. Then I said, after he was telling me how people were telling him everything was going to be difficult, I said, what's going on? Are people saying bad things about me? I told him, he KNEW I had been honest with him and that my word has been my word from the beginning. I said maybe people didn't want him to be with me because SOME people didn't want me to have any support or advantage at all in getting my son back on fair terms, or getting ahead and having my name cleareed of some kind of "mental illness" for purposes of discrediting me against my claims of government misconduct, crime, and obstruction of justice. Not to mention the whole Catholic thing with the Abbey attorneys.

Then I told him, I ws so upset, because I had just called "P" and I purposefully disobeyed P and didn't follow his instructions and chose to call him with my cell phone. I told my fiance, that I also told "P" to give me back my Hyattsville court documents because I didn't believe he was trying to help me but was only hindering me in obtaining justice. So I told my fiance, "I chose you. I chose to be loyal to you" and had called "P" to get my stuff back, and the next moment he, my fiance, is telling me the whole thing is off. My fiance was standing against the wall, and I said, "What's wrong? You look like you're going to cry." He said, so you chose ME over the money? bc when he said why didn't I go for the richer doctor who could give me more financial help and money. I said I didn't trust what "P" was offering and it was illegal and I didn't know who "P" really was anyway and something was fishy about the whole thing, like a set up to put me in JAIL. I think my first response, to just leaving him to go for some rich doctor who was going to give me a lot of money for a green card was "Yo soy no hojta." (I am not a whore). I said, why do you think I would just go to some other guy like that? and he just looked at me and I honestly have to say I don't know, in that moment, if my fiance was a part of this set up or not. If he's getting something out of it, or if he's working with police, FBI, or CIA, who the hell knows. Because when I first met my fiance, I felt like I was being primed to be some kind of SPY. And it's not a joke either, because I don't think it's typical to be meeting all these embassy people, and then shuttled around for inspection by others, and questioned about my interests in Colombia, U.S., and spy work. AND, then being lightly propositioned about taking full courses in Colombian etiquette. The whole thing about being set up with a minicooper or nice car, and all this stuff, and how if I go to Colombia I will be very well off and won't have to lift a finger the rest of my life, in discussions with the woman who works for the embassy. So I'm sorry, but I am not "off" in thinking perhaps someone somewhere, is CIA or something and when I proclaimed I didn't WANT to be a spy, in emphatic terms, who knows... I don't know. But I chose to try to trust my fiance and what he was telling me. I told him, after teling him about "P", "tu sabes la palabra por 'loyalty'?" and said I needed the spanish-english dictionary for the word for "Loyal" and then said to him, "I was loyal to YOU." (which is no small thing, considering some things I've been through). I felt like I was going from being groomed to be a spy for SOMEONE SOMEWHERE to being groomed to go to FUCKING JAIL. My fiance did say, who was this and when and where did this happen? I'm sitting there wondering how "P" happened to know I was going to be at the Hyattsville courthouse at the time I was there.

Weird shit in MY life. Ummm. Is it too much to ask, to just have a fair shake at getting my son back and not being screwed over by the U.S. after making valid complaints? It's not my fault that I have been physically injured and unable to work all the time in the last few years because of this and because of trying getting justice through the courts over defamatory articles by the WW and Abbey set ups and shit. And half of the things that have happened to me should have been compensated for. And what I have said happened to me and my son, literally fucking happened. And if I'm so unimportant and such a non-threat, why am I STILL being target and/or pursued for and by more powerful people?

Clue 8: "P" calls me again, after I've told my fiance what's up. "P" says he has a different proposition, no strings attached, and that it might take me a little more time to get on my feet, but he can help me relocate to Pennsylvania, to a house in Pennsylvania. He said the whole thing would set me ahead more than my current arrangement. First he said there was more to the arrangement, but then said it was just a house, and I could at least have a place to get on my feet. I said, "What am I going to do in Pennsylvania?" Then, after I write, on my federal government gifted computer, that the fucking FBI OWES me for what happened and their obstruction of justice and what was a "place to stay" in Penn. after all they'd done to me and failed to do? and letting MY SON down. I fucking WARNED more than one person about what was going on and I was shuttled away and swept under the rug by those who KNEW what was true and others CHOSE to believe lies over ME, and my son and I suffered tremendously as a result. So then, after I write this out, "P" calls in a "I give up" mode and says here's the deal--what I really need to do is just go back to Washington state and he tells me the state has plenty of "services" and "programs" for helping me get on my feet.

LIKE I WOULD FUCKING TAKE ONE THING FROM WASHINGTON STATE OR ANY U.S. STATE. How about, for starters, a FUCKING CHECK for what THEIR people have put me through and for their crimes and violations and failures which resulted in my circumstances to begin with?! Right, state services and programs will solve everything. Go back to Wenatchee with nothing, to the same corrupt state that lies and does whatever they want to get what THEY want. Which doesn't listen to a thing I say or believe anything I've elaborated on. Right. Go back for a fucking false mental illness diagnostic, and try, over the next five years or more, to slowly get "back on my feet" after I've suffered trauma and emotional distress because of government employee collusion and THEIR problems and issues. Sure, right after I'm incorrectly and falsely diagnosed, to the state's delight and satisfaction of all, as being "drug seeking" and a substance abuser and mentally ill when I'm not. The U.S. would like nothing more than to claim this is all my own issue, and that it's my responsibility to do everything the hard way after they made my life 100 times harder than it should have been in the first place. So my response to "P", after he told me to just go back to Wenatchee and take up services and programs, was a resounding, "I am NOT GOING TO TAKE UP ANY state "services and programs", and the fucking fbi OWES me money for those employees who sexually assaulted me and then trying to COVER THIS UP!" and I hung up on him, drove to the house, hands shaking, and told Pilar, a friend we're staying with, that the governnment was corrupt and that they do not know how to hold themselves accountable for wrongdoing.

I almost want to entitle this post: "The Hump and Dump" which pretty much covers it all, including the way the U.S. does business. Even everything I haven't figured out yet.

These assholes preyed upon perceived vulnerabilities in order to set me up, frame me, and send me to jail for a solid sentence. After trying out other various stunts first. Who is working with whom? I don't totally know. I don't know who is getting what out of what, but can I get a witness? that it's not hard to understand the difficulties in trusting people? and that obviously, some people are still trying to screw me.

Clue 9: "P" calls again and after I'd hung up on him and not taken his next call, he leaves a message saying he just told me the right thing to do and that I had some real "issues" and he could "tell" because, he said, "your handshake was like a dead fish" and then he goes on to say "you're better than those spics" and that he thought I wanted someone to hand everything to me and wasn't willing to work for things. I hung up on his message after hearing him say "you're better than those spics" and then I thought, why is he calling them spics when his buddy he had me talk to was hispanic or latino and was telling me he had a "richer" latino to set me up with? It sounded like a cover kind of message. One intended to make himself sound like a loser, racist, or oddball instead of an actual U.S. government official or law enforcement main who was trying to put me away.

I considered, briefly, that "P" was trying to help me, through another guy I know who I trust, but the fact he was putting numbers on the calling cards was fishy. Why document that? unless you're trying to actually tap calls and identify the right calling card number?

I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I was given an opportunity somewhere along the line, but who can blame me for not knowing what's up and what's down and who to trust. Why can't someone be totally upfront with who they are, who sent them, the party they're with, and everything? Would I believe someone if they did? I don't know. I suppose it depends on who it is and what I'm being told and how things are adding up.

Which is why, after what I've already experienced in my life, I don't want to be a fucking spy. I feel like I've already been put through the same shit just for being activist.

At any rate, I am going to open up a trust fund or account for all legal costs in getting my son back and holding the state accountable for their violations, and for fair and independent evaluations. "No strings attached" is when money comes into my account by anonymous means.

I do not believe I should have to "work" at getting my son back when he was illegally and improperly taken to begin with and when the abuses of more than one individual and group were the reasons for both my physical injuries and any PTSD I have had, at any time, which interferred with my ability to continue on a normal course as I would have. No one should have to go through what I went through on account of my decision to practice my right to free speech and to tell the truth, publicly, without regard for the position or power of any group. And what I have said happened to my son still affects my son's speech and his delays and the fact I no longer have periods at all. At all. It takes about one year from the time of the kind of trauma I said happened, and my body followed the course for damages from what Andy Panda first described to me as either being EMF or microwave radiation or whatever. I was not imagining it or making it up and the concurrent computer hacking
on my desktop which never even went online is evidence.

For example, too, there was no misunderstanding, on my part, of how computers work. I have this laptop now with a small dot like sensor to move the arrow around and if I press it too much or too long, the arrow will continue moving "on its own" up to the top of the screen. This is normal. What was happening with my computers in Wenatchee was NOT normal. I had people deliberately hacking onto my computer, rewriting sentences and deleting letters after I'd type them, writing in new password, and moving my arrow around in a very directed way. It was hacking and the only way to hack that way, according to computer experts, is through magnetic or other very strong pulse. Which is also what was setting off all of my son's battery operated toys. It wasn't just one toy, it was all of them. And the melting of things which were plugged into the wall? I have no idea, but that was happening at the exact same time and I have never, in my life, had a breakdown or been "delusional". Everything I've reported adds up.

And there is plenty of "motive" for some group to do this, if they are evil and corrupt enough, and sadly, there ARE people in the world like this, who have not only money and power to obtain such sophistication, but who also are without conscienece and moral compass.

Time for me to finish my OIG complaint.

At least on the East Coast, there are people smart enough to believe me, who know these things are possible, and happen. The West Coast may need an education, and I'm not the one to do it. Perhaps the NYC and DC FBI offices could make the trip. Or the extremists of the Catholic church, or the rich and corruptible (not to say all who are rich are corrupt, but I've met my share. If they're not rich and corruptible, you've got the poor or middle class-and-ignorant combo).

Done for now. Will write on the OIG complaint and "not taking sides" tonight. I've errands to run now.

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