Friday, April 10, 2009

Aunt Says My Son Wants Mama--CPS Denies Rights

I tried to fly in to visit my son and Michelle Erickson with Wenatchee CPS, and her supervisors, once again tried to prevent me from having visitation and then put the blame on me.

As a result, when I missed my flight because of security measures, and then couldn't get another one earlier although I tried; even though I paid $200 for a driver to take me from Seattle to Wenatchee JUST to try to make PART of the visit, CPS and Erickson denied me and my son the right to a visit; even though I was bending over backwards to try to see my son on THEIR terms, they refused to do anything to accomodate extenuating circumstances and I was harassed by Erickson instead.

My aunt told me today that she took my son to the CPS offices and that when my son was forced to leave without seeing me, he kept looking back and saying, "Mama, Mama, Mommy, Mama, Mommy..." and wanted to go back to find me. My aunt said my son knew and anticipated seeing me and WANTED to see me.

So why COULDN'T my son see me? Let me tell you what Michelle Erickson and Jennifer Godfrey (Erickson's supervisor) pulled this time, and the harassment I received by Erickson...

I tried, over a month ago, with Exxon as my witness, to make arrangments to visit my son. I called CPS and wrote Michelle Erickson, telling her we wanted to fly in, but could we all figure out a good time for visitation so we could buy tickets and have things planned?

So for two weeks, Erickson said she was working things out and trying to figure out a time for us to visit. Then, she said it was going to take longer because she was hiring security (police officer) to be standing by.

There is no need for security and I've never done ANYTHING which would necessitate security. The one time, in the beginning, that they HAD a security guy, he looked totally embarressed and apologetic and kept nodding to me, like he knew the whole thing was BS. And I knew too. These guys KNOW what's up. But anyway, Erickson made a big deal about security all of a sudden, and I said why? because my fiance is from COLOMBIA (the big bad scary place)?

So then Erickson wrote back that "the department" wasn't going to schedule a visit for me to see my son anymore--NOT unless I just showed up first. So she was telling me that Exxon and I had to just arrive in Wenatchee and THEN they'd start planning for a visit. Well, obviously, that's not going to be giving anyone time or notice to be planning a visit.

But I followed their directions and I told them I was FLYING IN and to please make arrangements for visitation. What does "the department" (that I'm suing the shit out of) say next? Erickson tells ME that I didn't give them NOTICE or enough TIME to arrange for visitation.

The whole thing is THEIR fucking idea, to NOT plan ahead, and then they tried to blame ME. So, Erickson says, since they didn't have enough "time" to plan things, they could only arrange for me to see my son for 1 1/2 hours on Thursday morning, when I was flying on Wednesday. I'm supposed to get at least 4 hours per M-F week. But she says only 1 1/2 hours, and that the following week I'd have 4 hours.

So I TOLD her the whole point of my flying in when I was flying in, was to be able to see him at least twice, once for each week period, to make the most of my time.

The ONLY reason I was going to Wenatchee was to VISIT MY SON and I made this very clear. We spent over $1,300 for RT tickets and hotel for me to simply visit my son. So when I missed my flight, because of security stuff which held things up (I missed it by ONE MINUTE even though I arrived an hour ahead of time), I did my BEST to reschedule another flight, with even another CARRIER, or even at a nearby airport. Nothing else was available. I had an attendent try to help me with this, but I was still not able to fly until the next morning, at 8 a.m. on Thursday.

SO, I called the state, and told them I was still coming in but that I would be late, and that I was still wanting to see my son for at least part of the 1 1/2 hour visit. I told them I was paying a driver $200 to drive me from Seattle to Wenatchee to try to see my son, because the connection from Seattle to Wenatchee wouldn't take off until later that afternoon. So they KNEW and I gave them advance notice about EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES beyond my control.

They had a CHOICE at that point, to allow what was in the best interest of my son, to see his mother for even a short time, and knowing how hard I was working to make it happen, or, they could try to screw me and my son over. They chose to screw me and my son over.

I told Erickson, at 11 a.m., by phone, that I was in a car and trying to get there. She said she was going to cancel the whole visit because they had a "policy" of not allowing visitation if someone was over 15 minutes late. SO THEN, she tried to blame ME, and said I was CHOOSING to MISS an appointment with my son. I told her to HOLD UP and that THEY were the ones who left me NO TIME, and they KNEW I'd been trying to plan a time to visit, in advance, for a month. Her excuse, that "the department" didn't have enough time, was BS. But she then said in a sneering tone, that she wasn't going to "harm" my son by allowing him to see me for 15 minutes and then watch me walk away.

Right. This bitch has no problem letting a kid in foster care go to MEXICO when the Department of STATE has issued serious warnings and restrictions about travel right now, where people are getting chopped up into little pieces and others are being kidnapped, but the bitch thinks my son is "harmed" by seeing his mother for too short of a period. And it wasn't even going to be just 15 minutes--I told her I'd be getting in with at least 45 minutes to spare for the visit. My son could have visited with me for FORTY-FIVE minutes, and they had only scheduled an 1 1/2 visit to begin with.

I told her I'd call again at 12 and let her know exactly where we were so she'd have an idea of how long it would take. So she wasn't there and I was forced to leave a message on her machine, which she later admitted receiving on time. I told her that after all the shit they've pulled with me, I would think THEY would be TRYING to rectify things and that they'd make exceptions to the rule for extenuating circumstances. Instead, she tried to say, "If you were driving LEGALLY, in LEGAL time, you couldn't get there for 45 minutes" and she said her supervisors wouldn't allow it. She didn't know exactly where we were on the road, at what road post, and we DID get into town, "legally", with enough time for me to see my son. But I called and found out they'd cancelled it and told my aunt to leave with my son.

My aunt said my son was aware that maybe his mommy would be there and he didn't want to leave, and kept looking back and pulling and saying, over and over, "Mama, mama, mama? Mommy, mommy," and just went on and on, calling for his


Whom CPS NEVER had a right to separate him from in the first place.

I want a law firm to make some money off of what they've done. I am absolutely ready to file a Section 1983 claim for violations of my and MY SON'S civil rights.

Oh, and THEN, when I called Michelle Erickson and told her I wanted to pick up the discovery and motions they've filed which I never received, she said they weren't "ready". I said, "You've been claiming you had them ready to be mailed to me if I gave you an address, but you suddenly don't have them "ready" now when I say I'll pick them up in person?" so she said she "MIGHT" have them by Monday, after trying to tell me she had "two weeks" before she had to give them to me, if I made a request.

She doesn't have "two weeks". I've been asking for the discovery for months and I wasn't getting my MAIL and I don't even know that they TRIED to send me this stuff. I DO know the Washington State Bar finally agreed I had a right to my case file, and CPS is very well aware of this fact now.

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