Friday, April 10, 2009

My Requests to Have UA Denied and Ignored by CPS

I need to make this post and make space for it. I am going to include my last email correspondence to Wenatchee CPS where I, ONCE AGAIN, request they set me up for a UA. They STILL, to this day, have not set me up to do this, even though I requested this AGAIN, 2 weeks ago when I found out the psych eval they recommended, well, that that woman was on vacation until the 14th of April so I couldn't even go in to see her and get that out of the way.

So I emailed the state, saying since she was on vacation, I would at least like to have a UA set up, but I never heard back from ANYONE. I said, since I'm going to be in Maryland until such-and-such a date, can you set this up? They did nothing.

So now I'm in Wenatchee, and I just spoke to Sue Baker with CASA this morning, telling her about my attempts to get their so-called evals and services and all the stalling and hold ups. They could be scheduling a UA since I'm here in Wenatchee but they're not doing anything.

You know what they DID want me to do, while I was here in Wenatchee? Michelle said they wanted to have the psych eval by a WENATCHEE psychologist.

Yeah right. Like I can't see through that one. They can't manage to set me up with UAs or other services or evals, and ignored my requests and attempts to get an eval done in the D.C. area all this time, but over and over, they try to FORCE me BACK to WENATCHEE so THEIR WENATCHEE PSYCHOLOGIST, whom they know and trust will say whatever they want, will do the evaluation.

These people are so over-their-heads corrupt it's not even funny. They don't even TRY to be slick about it either. They're just stupid, and do the stupid stuff, in your face, and smirk and smile thinking all the time that NO ONE will EVER hold them accountable for this kind of shit.

I forgot to look up Senator Roach. I am going to have to meet that woman while I'm in Washington state this week, and I believe I will start ralling others who've been screwed by the Wenatchee CPS too and start posting the stories of others as well as my own.

If I were Michelle, Marie, or Jennifer, or even Russ, I would be so fucking EMBARRESSED to even walk around in public in this town. I don't know how they think they have anyone's respect.

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