Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Breakdown" After FBI and Portland Police Collusion

I was thinking, just yesterday, I know I never had a "breakdown" like Wenatchee CPS wants to claim. Everything that I've been through is real and I know I was having seizures and both my son and I were affected by something that was environmental in some way.

However, if some psychologist is going to say I DID have a "breakdown", that's certaintly going to work towards damages against the FBI and Police or Department of Justice for the shit they pulled when I was trying to get accountability for the actions of their people. They totally tried to bury and deny my allegations.

I don't care if those two employees "brought down" sociopaths and killers. No one is above the law and what they did to ME was destructive, fraudulent, and wrong. If the FBI picks and chooses when to let their guys "off", that's just not going to work in the longrun.

Women think they are "ahead" and that there's nothing left to fight for. They think there is no need or cause for feminism. But this is so wrong. Even other WOMEN attack women who report date rape and sexual harassment. It's flat-out wrong. Men who try to dismiss these kinds of allegations are most likely precariously close to being guilty of similiar things.

What was wrong about what Bujanda and Garza did, was not just that they went after me and caused emotional distress, but then that their supervisors and bosses all ganged up against me and told ME to OMIT evidence from my claims and they purposefully buried my report, with the advocacy of those in higher positions.

I want accountablitity for this. I have not forgotten or forgiven what has happened, and if someone wants to say I had a breakdown, when I was repeatedly trying to get FOIA requests honored and trying to make a report and Sgt. Austria was taking my complaint to court hastily to have it thrown out...well, add that to my fucking RICO claim.

I have no doubt their friends, knowing I was going to Wenatchee next, selected people whom they felt would start writing me up as nuts or drug seeking, to their advantage. Dr. Parnell was the first to do so, right after I made ONE comment about what these FBI employees did. And then that "THC positive" test comes up when I had a suicide attempt following joint harassment by Abbey attorneys and FBI/police? I NEVER ever used pot in my life, and they were slandering me and then suddenly this false accusation popped up and I was never TOLD about it until it was too late to contest it.

All of this was dirty and planned. There is no fucking way that was just an "accident".

It would be nice to just say I have some kind of personality disorder, wouldn't it? Something that came up all of its own accord. Yeah right.

The truth is, I never had any "breakdown" EVER. I was ANGRY and trying to get somewhere with my complaints, and I knew my computers were being hacked left and right, and other things were going on as well. But no, I didn't have a breakdown. However, if I ever HAD, it would have coincided with my attempts to get somewhere with my FBI and collusion with Abbey attorneys complaint. Which I stand by.

At least for obstruction of justice and attempts to intimidate a have TEN FUCKING YEARS to bring an action against those responsible. As my damages accrued besides, I'm in a fine position to bring such a claim. There is more than one party I could round up into such a complaint.

Every single time I tried to bring up or work on my complaint about the FBI conduct, I've had some weird thing happen or events arise which distract me from pursuing this report.

I want a Section 1983 for what the state did with me and my son, and I have really, really, good evidence for THIS. But the other thing, with the FBI, oh believe me, that's not died down for me at all. There were several individuals involved in this.

My first thing is to find a lawyer for Section 1983 because that is something that has a more limited statute. RICO will hold up for a little while longer.

When the FBI acts like the Mafia, they shall be treated like the Mafia. Which means, for once, they a dose of their own fucking medicine. It's time to hold the FBI accountable under it's own RICO provisions. Not everyone in the FBI is like this, but those who are, must be rooted OUT.

Time to throw out the spade and take ahold of a shovel.

I have been told I could make good money in Colombia and Exxon tells me he knows some people who help me with a job. It may be easier for me to work in Colombia than the U.S., actually. I don't know what the time difference is or how long it takes to fly from Colombia to the U.S., but if I could fly back and forth for business and make money at the same time, I may able to keep my blog going, which I'd pretty much keept confined to U.S. stuff I go through, and then I could raise more money for legal funds.

I am thinking about it. If I can visit my son while I'm making money at a Colombian company, this may be a good thing. Exxon says they need English speakers there so I'll have to look into it.

UPDATE: i should clarify, when I say I would fly in to "visit" my son, I don't mean I'm letting someone else raise my son. I mean, until he is back in my full custody, I would be open to the idea of flying back and forth if I had enough money to do this, until I have more time with him so I'm able to be in the area more FT or have him back in my custody.

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