Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spiders Everywhere

It's when you buy a yellow car and notice how many other yellow cars are on the road. Lately, it's been spiders and cobwebs all over the place. This morning, a guy came into a cafe I'm at, and faced me squarely with a fat black spider on his sweater and "richmond" written on the sweatshirt. His son goes to a college in Richmond, VA. It was nice to talk to him about East Coast things--just a little bit. This morning there was some new song on the radio about being in a cobweb.

I am back to 80s today. I love the song "Use Your Love". I don't know why, but I think it's one of my very favorites. That song is such a classic. Yesterday I heard a lot of English pop stuff. I'm getting a good Spanish-English mix today.

One good thing I learned, was that when I last saw Chris, he told me he and Spiderwoman had a running deal or bet or thing where they owed eachother money for each day they didn't get plastered or whatever. So he is drinking LESS and they're both doing this, which is kind of like an AA cosponsor or something, in my opinion, and sounds pretty good. I think he would have died if he had kept going like he was going. Maybe he will live a long life now?

As for my drinking, I don't drink as much as I did when I worked at the Pub. I drank more during that point in my life than I ever have, but I got to figure out my tolerance levels too. I had a shot of whiskey, most recently, and that was it.

I feel like riding a motorcycle today. No, not riding, driving. I drove one on this guy's parent's farm when I was about 13 or 14 years old. It was a dirt bike and we drove over these small dirt hills. It was so ridiculous...I remember we then all went "swimming" in a total mud pond. It was so dirty and we came into the house caked in dirt and mud.

The group with spider guy just stopped to chat with me a little bit before moving on and they asked if I'd be in the area.

I talked to some Latinos today, about possible work for my fiance in the area, and they gave me their card. They said you can get a decent used car for about $3,000 here. Shots here are $2. Everything is cheaper. A large margarita is $6.

I have no idea why, but I used to like "Japanese Boy" by Aneka and now it's one of few songs I always want to skip over. It's too annoying.

I'm looking up Colombia to Wenatchee and Colombia to Maryland stuff on airlines today to see how long flights are.

It's a 16-17 hour flight from Colombia to Wenatchee and is about $1,200 RT for a flight leaving and returning in one week. So it's almost a day long trip. I wonder how much it is if you just fly to Seattle though, so I'm going to check that out. I also don't know what kind of job I could get in Colombia that would pay me enough to fly like that to go back and forth to visit my son and I don't know what kind of job would be flexible enough to let me go back and forth. Maybe quite a few jobs, if they just need someone to sell or deliver stuff?

I guess 16 hours was including layovers. Because I just looked up flights from Colombia to Seattle and I found RT tickets for $700! and for only 11 hours. 11 hours is a lot better than 16 or 14 hours. An 11 hour flight every 7 days wouldn't be that bad. I mean, it would be a lot, but if I were making enough money, I'd do it until I had more hours for visiting my son in Wenatchee and then I could spend more time in this area or the Seattle area. I don't know what kind of business Colombia has in Seattle but maybe something? Or, if I have layovers or stops in other cities, I could meet up in different cities for things.

I guess I'll have to ask Exxon. If I had a good job there, I'd feel fine flying back and forth. It would take much more time before I'd take my son out of the country, because I'd want to see how everything is first, over there, but who knows, it could be a lot safer for him THERE than it is here. I don't know.

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