Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pasion Colombia

For those who haven't seen Colombia, there is a tourism advertisement called "Pasion Colombia" and it has information and video of the countryside. It's really beautiful and I actually didn't even know how beautiful myself. Gorgeous.

Princess Diana even went there on vacation shortly before her yaht trip with Dodi. My fiance asked me how I knew this and I told him I had seen this on a YouTube clip because it showed her arrival and she was saying "leave me alone" over and over when she arrived in a jeep. I told him I was interested in the whole timeline thing of her life.

But, it seems, plenty of people visit Colombia. I love Mexico, but it is far safer to go to Colombia than even Mexico right now. They don't have the kidnapping problem like they used to. Exxon says the current administration has helped to negotiate and clean up a lot of the problems. I went to the Colombia website yesterday and Canada has recently signed a new trade agreement with Colombia. Things are getting better, in general, in Colombia, and they have really good potential as a tourist location if more people understand it's safer to go there now.

I want to be East Coast eventually, if I'm in the U.S., with my son, but maybe I could work for a Colombian company and go inbetween the two countries. If I could make more money that way and help with international relations, that would be rewarding. I want my son to be close to me though, at least until he's in school FT.

Exxon is open to my "staying at home" (even if I'm not technically staying "at home") with my son until he's older. If I could go to college right now and finish my education or further my education and have some kind of employment with a company in Colombia that would allow me to travel, or have flexibility, that would be good. Sort of ideal. I'm still thinking of going to law school, for one thing.

If I practiced law, it would be mainly in the U.S. I would like to take civil rights types of cases but I would be open to fighting a few family law cases where, say, the non-traditional partner is being screwed...either poor parents by the state, or a father against the traditional favoritism of the mother even if he's better qualified to be the main guardian, or non-traditional types of families like single mothers and gay couples or whatever. That's still in a 'civil rights' kind of vein. And I WOULD like to start my own non-profit type of firm that's like ACLU but maybe better, which recruits the very best and puts them to work for those without money, in very complicated cases most lawyers won't take. And I would like to lobby for full loan forgiveness for attorneys who devote their talents to public interest work for at least 5 years (maybe 7 or so years if it's a case that drags on forever).

I hope my son will be trilingual too. Spanish and English and one other language but I don't know which other one. The other day I got him a Dr. Seuss book but I was looking for "Frida", a book he really loves. It wasn't available so I'd probably have to special order it. Maybe I'll order it today so when I'm back in town I could pick it up. I'll probably get a couple books to read to him on Monday when I visit with him.

I sort of cringed, just a TINY bit, when my aunt said he said the book by Dr. Seuss was "neat". I mean, I'm glad he liked it and I absolutely think it's cute, but I was sort of thinking "SHIT! NEAT? LIKE NEAT-O?!!! what is this? 1950s adjectives he's picking up?" I just kept thinking my poor son was probably dying for a little vocabularly enrichment. He's going to come out of the Avilas house sounding like Herbert Hoover or Beaver Cleaver.

Don't get me wrong, I never ever used swear words around my son. But I talked to him like an adult in other ways, and used (or tried to use) a natural but more complex vocabulary. I talked to him with respect for his intelligence.

"Neat" is one my FATHER'S favorite words. I swear to God my son picked up that word from my DAD.

If they're feeding him Campbells Spagettios with sliced up hot dogs, I'm going to be outraged.

He won't even drink normal milk the Avilas buy, unless it's flavored with CHOCOLATE, because he knows the difference between very good organic raw milk from a certified and inspected dairy, and the crap they sell in the stores with all the hormones and pesticides in the food. I didn't have a lot of money, but I gave my son the best. He can tell the difference too.

Well, I have to get my account number and do some other things today.

hahaha. I am cracking up at this song "ebony and ivory" by stevie wonder and paul mccartney. One of my cousin's was named "Ivory". I had first brought up the idea to my mother when I was young and then when my aunt was pregnant my mother passed the idea on to Holly Avila. So "Ivory" was born without the blond hair, white skin, and blue eyes of her mother and took after her father who is darker skinned Mexican and my grandfathers joked and gave her the nickname "Ebony". She has darker skin, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. She's halfway normal, out of the whole group, has a down to earth side, and can see through some things. She has a gorgeous figure too and will have to see if she's seeing anyone. She and I went to a Triathalon event and were going to try to train for one together (this was before I was pregnant and then injured in childbirth).

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