Friday, April 24, 2009

Audio Recording and Documentation of Visits with Son

This monitor that I have had for the last 3 visits is a problem. Her name is Sue and I was open minded about her until Michelle Erickson made a comment in the hearing, saying the monitor said my son gave me no kisses until the second visit. Which was an odd point to make I thought. Erickson went out of her way to try to make it sound as though my son wasn't bonded to me or affectionate with me after so long an absence. The thing is, she totally lied, or went off of the monitors lies.

In that first visit, I had to keep myself from crying because at one point, my son put his forehead on mine and then would kiss me, over and over, and this game went on for about a half an hour. He just kept kissing me and wanting to have contact. I didn't want him to see me in tears, so I put my sunglasses on and pretended this was part of the game.

But the monitor wrote down that my son put his forehead to mine, but not that he was then squashing me with kisses. He touched my forehead, in a game he and I and Granny used to play and we'd say, "Bonk" or something like that and then give a kiss and my son just hugged me and kissed me over and over.

The fact that this monitor would leave something like this OUT and then the state would try to purposefully use this OMISSION against me, is cause for concern.

So I asked Leeza today for another monitor or for TWO monitors or something to witness the interactions. I think, really, though, that I need to get a Judge's order to allow a witness of my OWN to be present.

I secretly recorded the last two visits but today I recorded the visit with the monitor's full knowledge. She asked if I had "permission" to do this and I said I didn't need permission to record my interaction with my son, but if she wanted to get an order from the court to try to block my ability to keep an accurate recording of what my son and I are discussing, she was free to consult the state about this.

I have a right to protect my son's and my best interests by making sure I'm not being defamed. My son and I have a right to be not be misquoted.

It would be better if I could videotape these visits because it would be as non-intrusive and yet would show my son and I together in a natural way, and could be used as a form of OBJECTIVE hard evidence which one or two monitors could be free to misinterpret but couldn't have the final say about.

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