Friday, April 24, 2009

First Visit With Oliver

My son greeted me with a big smile. He was so happy to see me and Holly said he had insisted on bringing a balloon and toys I'd given him days earlier, to Mama. He knew the presents (from the florist) were from me and he wanted to bring them to his visit with his Mama. It was a bag with all the toys inside and the balloon attached.

It meant something to him because he knew it was FROM Mama and that he was going to see Mama too.

So we played some different games including hide and seek and the kissing game I mentioned in my previous post. He kept bonking his head to mine in a game we used to play with Granny and then kissing me over and over. Lots of hugs too. I took some photos and let him take some too. I'll have to upload them later tonight.

He then gave me hugs and kisses when Michelle Erickson came into the room to escort him to Holly. Michelle was right there when my son was voluntarily kissing and hugging me.

Which makes it even stranger when both Michelle and Sue were wanting to claim there was no affection from my son. They were the only witnesses, aside from my son, but Holly and Pablo know and have never lied about my son wanting to be with me and preferring me to all others. When others who are not state workers observe my son kissing me or being affectionate...this is the only time the state workers will admit this. It's odd, if you ask me.

Most of the time, during the four hour visit, my son wanted me to play "cars" with him. He is still into cars and machinery, planes and boats and things that move.

We sang a couple of songs and he picked things up quickly.

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