Friday, April 24, 2009

Second Visit With Oliver

The second visit Oliver wanted to play with cars again and we did some drawing and he especially enjoyed stories about Winnie-the-Pooh. At one point though, he seemed to be distressed. He kept making these car crashing noises and then making gestures of something DYING, like he'd been watching violent cartoons or something. I didn't know where he got the idea to make these dying expressions and gestures and I can only guess it's from television that's not being monitored at maybe his babysitters house. He kept saying, "poked", "poking me", and "poked". He said this over and over and he kept making reference to poking. I felt very concerned. At first it was just play noises but then it seemed to me to be in reference to something.

At our first visit, he had once put a finger in my eye playfully and I said, "be careful! don't poke mama!"

So I don't know if he was using this word to describe something that's happening to him or has happened to him, and "poke" just kept coming to mind. I don't know, but it bothered me and worried me.

He wouldn't know how to make dying noises and this poking stuff, if he wasn't watching something or exposed to something that wasn't good. I don't know if some kid is bullying him or he's being spanked or hit or "poked" or what. But he associates my word "poke" with being harmed or hurt and then dying noises so I'm concerned for him.

Otherwise our visit was good, but I could tell he needed to have more time with me. He remembered every single word from his visits with me because they are a big deal to him. I can tell he wants to be with me and there is no doubt our bond is strong. He separates from others but it's like he's been disciplined not to complain or he is worried about offending someone and having them leave him permanently or something.

Then, at the hearing, Michelle Erickson got up and asked the judge NOT to restore telephonic visitation, claiming my son was having behavioral issues after visiting with me.

I took that opportunity to state my son looks forward to seeing me, gives me hugs and kisses and WANTS to be with ME, and any "behavioral issues" are stemming from the fact that he knows me and wants to be with ME and he remembers how it was with ME, and is distressed to go back to his current situation, where separationn from his mother is still damaging to him.

My son needs to be with me MORE, not less, and I was disappointed that this Judge would not even restore telephonic visitation.

It's wrong.

And the person who suffers the most is my son.

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