Monday, April 13, 2009

International Friends In Washington (NW)

I sort of think I might, if needed, stay with my new Pakistani friend, at one of his houses, until I have a job lined up in this area.

I met another woman, who works at the hotel I'm at, who is Pakistani too. She said her son had sooo many problems trying to live in Wenatchee and was profiled by police all the time. She said he kept having issues just because he was an outsider or new and stood out and that finally he was before the only minority judge, Nakata, and things got better for him. But, she said, he still had to move OUT of town to get relief. I guess there's another Pakistani guy in Yakima but that's about it. Not too many here. I found out, from my driver, that Diana had had more than one Pakistani boyfriend. Before Khan, she was with a guy who is a famous cricketeer.

Which is sort of interesting. Diana really had more than one tie to the Pakistanis. I wonder how the Saudis and Pakistanis get along? I think they're on good terms with eachother, in general but I don't know what conflicts or disagreements they might have.

Then, I guess, I met the Australian woman, who I liked, even if I don't know who her friends are and who she might give info to. For some reason, since speaking with her, I've thought about writing this one Australian guy I met whom I liked a lot. He was witty and a lot of fun but I haven't had a lot of time to start up new correspondence and write other than to journal the basics and keep creativity flowing. His name began with a K. and I haven't forgotten about him and his friends! They were a lot of fun--made me want to move to Australia. This other Australian woman told me I'd love it. The thing I like about Australians is that they don't sweat the small stuff. This woman kept saying she was Australian but something about her was very English. She said she'd been in England 3 years so her accent was mixed up but I kept thinking she is so much more than only 3 years "english". She is one of the first very conservative Protestant "believers" I've met. You don't meet a ton of extremely religious people in intelligence, at least it seems to me. Not that she is, but a lot of the international people in D.C. are, and I think there are more risk takers. Probably most have some kind of belief in God or a higher power though. One thing I liked about her, is she didn't discount the kind of power and behind the scenes work there. She fully and readily accepted the chessboard and players and asked me if I was being used as a pawn and said I didn't want to be just a game piece in someone else's game. She also was in agreement over the kind of information some of these people are privy to, which she said the general public would never guess about and couldn't even imagine.

I told her I already knew, after being there awhile, that I'd been "screened" and that the U.S. and other countries knew I wasn't mentally ill, and I knew they believed me because someone had information on what me and my son were going through and probably, on who was behind things. I know I was accepted as being a reliable source of information, in the sense that what I wrote about, in general, if it wasn't a smokescreen, was true. The TTSOML stuff was all completely true. I don't think it was coincidence, either, that I ended up dating psychologists and psychiatrists. I think some of them wanted better proximity for making judgments. They all concurred there was nothing wrong with me and they believed me, and believed in me too.

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