Monday, April 13, 2009


C. gestalt on the mountain; chess out of dominoes; my comeback
(taken from I.Q. test answer)

pocketknife slicing the canvass or box top to bottom
black mercedes driving fast and forward
on a track, stuck on a track and sparks by the tires
trying to navigate through pine and conifers
skiier on a slippery slope trying not to hit the red flags
a mountain like a pinball machine
shuttling and flipping it back to round a corner
golfball rolling around a black hole
momentum to keep from falling
trees for markers, taking out the trees for the forest
dragging them down to the colombia river
from the back of the benz
like bottles rattling after the marriage vows
wood for the river, building a dam
pushing up the window by the ledge at tips of fingers
tapping out the joint
charcoal when the pencils have been sharpened down too far
tracing a line on the box inside the frame
knowing it is the frame that keeps the canvass taught
afraid to break it in half
turn it into a rolled up carpet and poster for the wall
not enough time to reinforce the fabric
to stand on its own
without borders boundaries
it's not windowblinds for shutting out the light
it's a story on a piece of paper
back to the wall
hands to the side, armed crooked like the chicken wings
served at the deli next door.
in the spotlight stunned like a deer
"i don't know what to do"
palms flat for the balance
urn with handles against the white
gestaltists making note
of a shadow
coming into foreground
cameo out of intaglio
out of the grave
east and west poles
my entrance through the red river
defeated a black body bag

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