Monday, April 13, 2009

Evidence Of Prejudice from CASA & the State: Rob Forrest

I have more to add to my public blog, about documentation and correspondence with the state to have evaluations scheduled (which wasn't done) and requests (more) for discovery and things, and also, my attempts to meet with and talk to the CASA guy who justs nods his head to everything and anything the state wants and didn't want to meet with me and talk to me before writing up his next recommendation to the court, which he says he's giving me today after my visit with my son. The CASA guy's name is Rob Forrest. He's not just any CASA volunteer. He's the only retired lawyer on the whole staff or rosters of volunteers and he has worked with the state from the start, to make statements that work against me, from the beginning, knowing, as an attorney, what will have the most negative impact and knowing as a lawyer he can use his weight for this purpose.

I told him I wanted to sit down and have coffee with him and update him on what has been going on with me, before he wrote his next "report". His last one I've not even received and it wasn't sent to me in a timely manner, even though someone claimed to have mailed it, it never reached me and even if it had, it wouldn't have arrived in time for me to respond.

So I called before I left Maryland, to arrange to meet with him and he wouldn't pick a time and then I got in and wanted to meet and he refused, saying he couldn't and that he would just drop off his next report. I said it seemed to me, that for all his talk about getting to know what's going on from the biological parent, and understanding what my plans are and what my circumstances were, he was just wanting to ignore anything I had to say, to write me up however he wanted. It made it appear, I told him, that he didn't really have the interest in objectivity as he claimed and already had his own plans on how to direct this process, when he was refusing my offers to talk to him.

He then said he'd "talk" to me AFTER he gave me his "report". So, he wants to write his thing up, when he had opportunities to meet with me first. Instead, he wanted to write something up about me, WITHOUT getting any information or input from me FIRST.

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