Monday, April 13, 2009

Contact for Section 1983 Claim Against State!

Yay. I made my contact. Finally. I couldn't remember where I'd put his name but it was in my book and I mailed his firm.

I'm going to be hooked up with a firm that takes federal cases against the state. I've already been told I have an excellent case--really good proofs, and I know this myself. It is a really solid case with a lot of evidence.

I just want some accountablity for what has happened to me and my son. I swear I might convert to whatever religion the lawyer is, that takes this case for me and wins it.

At least I KNOW, in this one, some firm will come out ahead financially. In CA, a case with almost identical elements brought in 4.9 million and I think I have even better proofs and some worse violations too.

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