Monday, April 13, 2009

Call Me Babs

I think I'm PMSing. I spent a long time talking to car dealers today and they were great, but I just went on and on, and then I was on the phone with Exxon, pissed and this and that.

I got to the hotel and ordered room service, thinking the food was going to suck like everything else in this town. It was actually decent. Chicken with fettucine and cream pasta, with mushrooms. Then, they didn't have change for my bill. At all. I was fine with that and she was going to come back with it but then I was frustrated my computer wasn't picking up my new digi photos of my son. I forgot my regular camera and used a cheapo but it was digital ($20) and doesn't fucking WORK.

Oh, and this is after having an all-out brawl over the phone with an Italian man. Italian men everywhere all of a sudden, popping up like Petunias.

So he and I had it out, and then made up. I offered to pay for his glass of wine when we meet up again, in Maryland. I have to say, I was PISSED and so was he, but I really do like the Italian and sometimes Latino style of anger. Just get it out and get verbal and then finis! I don't like this shady pretense shit. I'd rather have someone cuss me out and then just get over it. THIS guy said to me, "DO you KNOW WHO I AM?!!!" and I said something like, "NO! I DON"T know 'who you are'--what?!!! some Italian Mobster?!!!" and he yelled at me about "Disrespect" and I yelled at him, and then we hung up on eachother and I called him back until we fixed it. Ended with peace. Lol.

But after all that, and some cool music experiences, and the trauma of seeing and having to leave my son, I called up room service and asked them to add a glass of Chardonnay to the bill I gave them.

So then they call back and say it's going to be MORE than my bill and did I still want it? I said, "Yes!" and thought why don't they just bring the fucking glass of wine. Then she calls aGAIN and asks if I'll have "exact change". I said, "Yes! I'll have exact change and the TIP."

I was so pissed someone called me over exact change, I sat down and fumed, and ate my mushrooms and pasta and thought how close I could come to saying things like, "AND I'M TAKING $1 off of your tip for every minute you waste talking on the phone!" RUUUUN! dammit!

So she showed up and I explained what a rotten day and all this stress, and then how close I was to saying what I just wrote about, and how, I told her, "I'm about to turn into Barbara Streisand."

It's nothing personal.

She laughed with me and joked about how her husband has a bottle of wine waiting for her when she's had a bad day.

Then, I take a sip from my coveted glass, and the lip of the glass is as thick as fucking bifocals.

And I'm noting I could have paid for a whole bottle for the price of one glass. There is a liquor store next doorr...hmmm...convenient. CPS probably thinks I chose Red Lion for this reason.

By the way, CPS should be responsible for the airfare for the flight. They offered a fucking one way bus ticket, even after knowing I have herniated discs.

This is so fucked up it's not even funny.

I don't know why my next line of thought is about Italian men, but I've met a lot all of a sudden.

On that note, I wrote the last line and then I was on the phone with different people, and then all of a sudden I went to the store to get a small bottle of Chardonnay and this guy left the counter before me, saying to me, "Ciao."


So I was going to write about how I was at the dealer the other day, and I took one look at one of the guys and I said, "You're Italian, right?" and he said, "Yes!" and looked at me like how the hell did I know. I don't know. He didn't have sort of that typical Italian eye exactly. I mean, not the "michael" (from The Godfather) eye. It was different.

Then, later that day, I got a ride from a woman whom I remembered as being Russian but she said "Hungary" and I asked her how her daughter was. She said, "How did you know I have a daughter?" and I told her I remembered when she had spoken about her. She was impressed! I only talked to her for a few minutes a couple of years ago.

Back to the Italian thing, today some guys from Mexico asked where I was from and I said the U.S. and asked where they had thought. I'd been trying to speak in Spanish. They said they thought Italy. !!?!! They asked if my boyfriend spoke Spanish and I said yes and that I thought it sort of sounded Italian sometimes.

I met a couple different guys today who said they knew some Mexican Mafia people. I say I have a boyfriend or fiance from Colombia and everyone is bringing up mafia stuff. Not saying who of course! like this one guy said, "I don't want to be cut up into tiny pieces in a gutter somewhere." I also noticed some traditions of Catholics. Well, this one at least, touched a bunch of different crucifixes and then a saint card and had a saint bracelet like the type my fiance was wearing for awhile too. Sort of a remembrance deal I guess, and the saint card was of the sacred heart of jesus. I won't say anything he told me about his personal life.

I noticed today a lot of negativity from some people, but I also noticed a lot of people who seemed to sort of know who I was or "about" me and they were okay and even, I don't know, nice and I don't know how to describe it. Like they think I'm "okay" afterall. I mean, not perfect, but "okay" in the sense that no one is perfect but it's okay and they are in agreement with me, that it's okay to be imperfect but just be who you are.

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