Monday, April 13, 2009

Visit With My Son--Spanking & Other Concerns

He is just adorable, as usual and as always. He's back to talking although something is definitely a little different in the way he's processing or going forward with language. He is still showing signs of serious giftedness but some of the language is slightly different. I'll explain how. I've decided this post will be about my serious concerns and the next one will be positive things.

The only things I did NOT like, were that:
1. He is way too thin to my liking. He has not grown that much out of my care, in comparison to his rate of growth when he was with me. He is thin now and I can feel his ribs. He doesn't have an interest in food either, and he used to be a voracious eater. With me, he was always in the 90th-100th percentile for height and weight. This was consistent for his 14 months or more with me. It never varied except when he was losing weight from diarrhea which I reported to the doctor, after he got vaccinations at 2 months. Now, there is no way he is still in the 90th or 100th percentile and I feel very sad about it.

2. I checked his milk. He's getting 2%. This is SHIT. He should be drinking WHOLE milk and not only is this milk 2%, which isn't recommended for his age (and he could use the extra fats), it is shitty milk. I opened the lid and tasted it and it's clearly not organic. It's cheap 2% milk. I am a very strong believer in good nutrition, and for his age, good, whole, organic and if possible, raw (certified and inspected) milk.

3. His "lunch box" consisted of a bunch of gross processed things. Which is probably why he's not eating as well and growing as well. But I'm concerned that perhaps this is the only thing they can "get" him to eat. The sandwich was good--it looked really, really, good. Turkey on decent bread with lettuce and tomatoe and everything. But then it was sugary yogurt, a chocolate chip "granola" bar, and sugary Caprisun juice. And strawberries. What did he want to eat? Out of everything, the most nutritious things. The strawberries. I brought him an egg mcmuffin as a snack but that is just for special times because we'd go to McDonalds once a week.

4. Spanking. I should switch this around to add to the top of my list. CPS is "SOOooo" concerned about the best interests of children but take my son out of my excellent care and put him with relatives who practice corporal punishment. I TOLD them I did NOT spank my son or hit him and I did NOT want anyone else doing this. So, since my son is verbal now, and honest with his yes and nos (he says "si" and "no", not "yes" and "no")...I asked him if anyone spanked him and he said "SI."

I asked, because I noticed he's not as affectionate as usual and cringed sometimes when touched near his lower back, closer to his bottom. So I asked him if he was being spanked and he said yes. The monitor FLIPPED OUT and said I wasn't "supposed" to ask things like this. I snapped back at her, "Excuse me, but I think this is an important and relevant question! I notice my son is acting differently and he can answer yes or no honestly and he just answered YES and YOU HEARD him. I do NOT practice spanking with my child and I DO KNOW how the Avilas are and what THEY'RE parenting style is and how my family is. I would THINK you would agree this is something to know."

So, my son is being spanked. STILL. Even after I first voiced concern to CPS about this in the very beginning after my aunt admitted to slapping his hands and spanking him. The Avilas said they wouldn't do it anymore and now my son can SPEAK for HIMSELF AGAIN. And they are still fucking spanking him.

But THIS is the "recommendation" of the state and of CASAs wonderful Rob Forrest (who came into the visit for less than 10 minutes and left without a word to me)==that my son should be out of MY CARE and in THEIR care. These people are so fucking messed up it's not even funny.

5. I asked my son if he "liked" Andres and some of the other cousins and he wouldn't answer at all. For all I know, if my son is being spanked, he is possibly also being sexually abused and no one would know or care.

Thumbs UP CPS! Score for undevelopment in my son, physically and emotionally, and in his newfound fear of upsetting anyone lest he is SPANKED or physically ABUSED. CPS took my son away from me, out of unfounded claims I was "mabye" mentally ill and therefore a possible future "risk". But then they fucking put him with a family that PHYSICALLY ABUSES him and they nod with approval. Interesting, isn't it?

Not to mention, my son's thumb, his LEFT THUMB, is completely raw and chaffed. He has been sucking his thumb to no end, and the physical evidence is right there. YOU CAN SEE his distress, which has obviously been channeled into sucking his thumb more than ever. The nice, polite, and charming boy that everyone sees on the outside has been "conditioned" by spanking to "behave" and THAT warrants CPS's approval.

Here's more news for CPS--I was fucking RECORDING everything with a voice recorder. So my son's confession or acknowledgment that he's being SPANKED is on TAPE. YOU FUCKERs. You are getting so sued it's not even funny. And you THINK my SON is going to "thank you" someday for what you've done?! You screwed up big. BIG. And the worst part is that none of it is in my son's "best interests".

I am uploading this admission to being spanked, from my son, online, along with all the other harassment I have PERSONALLY received by CPS and state workers.

Today was the first and ONLY time Michelle Erickson EVER acted nervous around me at all. Her fingers and voice were actually slightly shaking. For ONCE, for the FIRST time, she showed me basic respect. Why? because I said I was filing a federal claim and finding a law firm today??? It was the first time, and I, being one with a SOFTER heart, actually had sympathy for her. I felt sorry for her. Why? because she knows what she's done, and how she's treated both me and my son. She knows and yet it is only now that she acts any different. It's like being nervous about getting caught, not feeling nervous because you're actually sorry for what you've done--and THAT makes me feel sorry for her.

Honestly though, for those who have had a part in slandering me, here and to Canada, and for doing this damage to my son, I wish only a solid return on what you delivered. I pray to God, my God of the old Jewish tradition, the one of vengeance and the one deserving of respect and fear, a full recompense for the damages done to my son. For my son alone, on the sons and daughters of every person involved in this, who espeically knowingly, took satisfaction in what happened. I pray for a quick hand to strike and to strike hard. No, that doesn't mean I'm Jewish. But it means I know the fucking difference between the "God" of the Old and New testament. THIS is not an ecclessiastical time for "forgiveness" and "peace" and "love". It calls for sound justice.

NO WONDER I had a federal government worker tell me I needed to go back to Wenatchee to "PROTECT" my son. I wondered what from. FROM THIS KIND OF SHIT.

My son is my beloved and I am his alone. He is worth more than all I have in the world or would ever hope or strive for. I am not just a mother. I am a fighter and I would die for my son. I would lay down my life for him and I did, by putting aside my own desires and wishes and needs to focus entirely on him and his needs. No one will ever do it better.

I trust that if God thinks I am worthy to be one to get certain kinds of "information" whether I like it or not, that even if my life is nothing, He will honor at least some of my prayers on behalf of my son, for revenge. For justice. Those who are deserving of mercy have already come forward by now, if they were ever going to come forward about some of the things which were happening to me and my son. The rest, at this point, I am done. The season for mercy is over. Message to my supporters: take the fuckers OUT. You have my full consent and blessing. Do whatever you have to do to bring those who have been responsible, down. The fucking underground railroad for those who give confessions is closed. I don't care what nation, creed, religion, or philosophy or organization these people belong to...those who are in the know, do know, and it doesn't matter to me. I want my son's suffering avenged.


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