Friday, April 3, 2009

Losing My Son & Medical Records?

I was told I would probably lose my son because I haven't gone back to Wenatchee. I told the guy I have been TRYING, but I've had serious medical problems and been hospitalized several times, since September of last year, for PHYSICAL problems.

So he said that could work in my favor, to show how many things were going on and how it was unrealistic to expect me to be PRO SE for myself with all the medical problems, some new and some old, which Washington state claimed I didn't have.

So I have records and I have to show these to the state.

The only thing is, I know I had all these records together, most of them, from D.C., but I have a few more things to gather.

In some ways, I have a stronger position, because I can prove I HAD serious injuries which Wenatchee medical professionals lied about.

In other ways, I haven't been able to see my son because I have been having to follow up with a serious ectopic pregnancy no one was listening to me about, and the pain was excruciating. That lasted for 2 1/2 months (Sept.-Dec.) and then I was in labor for 2 months because the miscarriage wouldn't complete on its own and dragged on forever and it WAS extremely painful that entire time. I was having fucking contractions ever few minutes and severe cramping and the "off" stomach issues. So that was Dec.-March that this dragged on until I had the D&C and during this time, I was assaulted and got one new herniated disc and reinjured older discs (from the childbirth trauma from forced natural delivery). No one caught how severe this was until I finally got the MRI to confirm the older X-rays (which Wenatchee withheld from evidence for the dependency).

This entire time, I wasn't able to work. I tried going back, on Percocet and Valium, but the Dr. wouldn't refill the prescription because they thought it was a "strain" and that there were no other issues. So I was forced to NOT work, after getting a new job waitressing. Then it took time to figure out what was wrong.

I am, right NOW, finally beginning to feel halfway normal and stabilized, but I had to go to ER again a day or two ago, for a refill of Percocet until I see the Dr. again and they said, at ER, that I needed to get the cortisone shot at this point, because the oral steroids didn't do anything.

I am still in pain, even WITH Percocet, but it is worse without any Percocet at all. I hoped the oral stuff might work but it doesn't help. So I'm going to get a shot to block off the pain in my back and then I plan on flying to Wenatchee.

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