Friday, April 3, 2009


I tink I can put together a very good timeline, which shows what I went through, and what my son went through, when we were both injured in childbirth.

What followed was an attempt to cover this up, and blatant lies that anything was wrong, and yet I was prescribed narcotics while, at the same time, denied diagnostics and radiology to prove my injuries.

When I went out of the area to get diagnostics, because I couldn't get even ONE X-ray from anyone, at ANY clinic or hospital, in Wenatchee, the Wenatchee medical professionals began making complaints. And the state tried to force me to stay in Wenatchee for all medical care and lied to me about reimbursing me for medical costs when I went out of the area.

All my life, I'd either worked or been in college FT, prior to the injuries from childbirth.

I didn't do any "drugs" nor was I "drug seeking". Wenatchee tried to claim even my migraines were not really migraines, and they slandered me as being drug seeking when I had seen neurologists and had confirmation of migraine and plenty of roommates knew I didn't lie about this.

The first time I was unable to work or go to college, was after I was assaulted by the two FBI employees, which caused severe anxiety, and then when I had a high risk pregnancy with my son and was damaged in childbirth, along with my son.

That was when I first became, literally, disabled, and yet Wenatchee lied about everything and began "reporting" me to their buddies in small town CPS.

After the normal, reasonable time for broken bones and torn tissues had passed, I was actually able to work again, but in jobs where I was standing only because the injuries prevented jobs where I sat.

So I was able to work PT, in positions where I was standing only (hence, waitressing), by the time I got to D.C. I forced myself, despite serious pain and need for medications even then. And that's not counting what was going on with my and my son's health when we lived in East Wenatchee either, which has permanently and forever changed my menstrual cycles and my son's speech from articulation to gibberish (he didn't become "mute" or selectively mute--he could no longer articulate what he was trying to say and was still jabbering all the time to me, but was frustrated by his sudden loss of ability to articulate the same words).

THen, I got to D.C., and I immediately told the state offices, in both Wenatchee and D.C., that I wanted psych evals. They ignored my telephone calls and if anyone WAS monitoring my calls, this is known to be true. I had to go, in person, to D.C. and I was STILL ignored, and then the 3rd visit, the head attorney, General Counsel was there and still trying to prevent my getting evals. I also asked to have UAs and no one set this up for me even though I repeatedly requested this be done and scheduled.

Wenatchee wanted to buy time to find someone they thought would work against me, in a psych eval, and they cut off my telephone visitation with my son, to force me back to THEIR territory, so their own people did the evals because they didn't like the uncertainty of having someone outside of THEIR fucking circle, evaluate me.

So they traumatized me and my son further by cutting off this visitation, not in my son's best interests, but to try to keep me from getting objective evals or other objective medical care.

They cut off my phone visitation, right after they found out I had an appointment with a doctor in D.C. I believe they were concerned I might finally get evaluations that proved what I'd been saying about them was true.

At this same time, I had thefts in my apartment again, someone going through my food and belongings, and harassment at work where people would come in and just try to cause problems for me.

I didn't have money for independent medical diagnostics and evaluations, and the main records I had which DID prove I had injuries from childbirth, were withheld from the record. Everything else, all the subjective slander by ER doctors (none of them licensed psychologists) was included to work against me.

When I got pregnant, I still had people minimizing what I said and trying to claim there was nothing wrong with my past injuries OR my current conditions of pain with the ectopic pregnancy. No one listened to me because I had been repeatedly lied about, by medical professionals in Washington state. So I was put in a very dangerous position, because of the slander. My life was in danger, even, because no one would listen to me because of the doubts cast on my credibility.

But although I lost my babies, I ended up evading death I suppose. I could have died from the ovarian pregnancy and if the other one died because of the MRI machine malfunctioning (as I believe), the fact I kept going into ER, trying to plead with people to listen to me, saved my own life.

It proves my judgment is accurate and not "delusional".

Things began to turn at that point because I still had some very odd situations with some doctors trying to minimize things here in D.C. But, things meant for evil, were worked for good, because in the tragedy I finally got MORE diagnostics which absolutely confirm I was telling the truth and that I was right.

I was able to prove "pain" is NOT in my head. I kept saying something was wrong, and something WAS wrong. So it helps to confirm when I also say I have "pain" with migraine or other "pain" or have had pain in my life, I wasn't lying or imagining things.

I was right, about my own medical problems, in the last several months, to target.

I was also right about my own son, and when he was sick or something was wrong, I knew it and I tried to get help for HIM and no one would listen, in Wenatchee. Which is dangerous and a big reason why I was trying to sue them for what they did and continued to do.

The injuries and symptoms and pain I reported, after childbirth, FIT the diagnostics I finally got, outside of Wenatchee and in the D.C. area.

I also got diagnostics, finally, which

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