Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Erickson Returns Call & Wenatchee Cops and Probs

I have to reward good behavior.

So, Michelle Erickson just called back a few minutes ago and left a message that she'd gone ahead and set up an eval or whatever, but has to check with some things first.

At least she returned my call, which she did NOT do for over 2 1/2 months when I was first in D.C., requesting someone for an eval. She and Wenatchee CPS, along with D.C. CPS and their lawyers who were involved, refused to return my calls at all, and I had to go, in person, to the place.

I think it's really good that I have a witness, regardless. Having someone see what kind of shit they pull is very, very, good and in my interests. You have NO IDEA what kind of things they blatantly pull over there. They broke so many laws, and with so little provocation and little guilt, it's shocking.

I told someone today, it's like they are their own little island and they just make their own rules and no one even holds them accountable. I told him my theory is that decades of generational "turning a blind eye" to laws regarding immigration, free trade, and whatever, for the sake of being NUMBER ONE in the world for producing apples, bred a climate that's just out of control.

My theory is that these people got so rich, and the United States, got SO fucking RICH, at one time, being the world's leading exporter of apples, that they just ignored rules and laws which applied to everyone else, for the sake of getting cheap labor and making dough. Then, this disregard for laws seeped into every aspect of their town and system. I mean, if you're blatantly disregarding major laws, with the CONSENT, by omission of accountability, of the government, what do you expect?

Now, I think it's Chile, and China, and a few other countries, that have taken the lead on apples. But for a long time, it was only the U.S. and people got RICH from it and Wenatchee WAS, truly, the "apple capitol of the world".

I've heard plenty of other people say that area is just a monopoly of local corrupt families and business owners. One family trying to break into a construction company there, had to file a lawsuit I think, and was totally ostrasized by the other companies who circled the wagons and tried to prevent a new company from edging in. That town cannot stand to have anyone compete or tell them they're doing anything wrong.

There were maybe two cops there, that knew I was being targeted and thought something very odd was going on. One very dark haired cop in particular, who was trying to pull up a video of a patrol car following me after I made a complaint I'd been profiled. It wouldn't work. The technical equipment malfunctioned and then he said the tape had been erased or was lost and he said, whatever it was, it wasn't normal and was very odd. I still remember that cop because he knew something wasn't right. At any rate, in Washington and Oregon I was harassed by police a lot and since I've been on the East Coast, I've seen some corruption (hyattsville) but in general, I actually feel the cops are predominantly good guys, in general, over here. I don't have weird problems with them either. If I see one, I feel they're looking out for me more than trying to profile or harass me. It's totally different and it's not my imagination either.

Anyway, these problems with immigration law or whatever, which wouldn't be such a big deal and could be viewed as being tolerant of others, just snowballed into a major corruption scam. NOW, the same immigrants who got exceptions to the law, see the corruption when they're thrown in jail on petty charges and given the LOUSIEST public defense you've ever seen.

So, the latinos in Wenatchee, at least a lot of them, KNOW what's up. They fucking know it's crooked. You've got Eastern Indian guys, who are new to Seattle, and the fucking grapevine is so fast, they're telling ME how THEY know the worst place in the state, for the "justice system", is Wenatchee. I was like, "How do YOU guys know this?" and they're like, "Oh, we all know. We've heard what it's like in Wenatchee. EVERYBODY knows." It's like even the foreigners know it's a problem. They know more than the white people too, I don't know. Maybe because they're more up on current events and take a closer interest in the whole situation since they want to be sure they know the territories and everything.

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