Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Dream About Russian Women

I was listening to the "Dance of the Knights" (so love that piece!) and then decided to read up about it and found it's used a lot to represent Soviet Russia in film and other artistic things.

So I was just thinking about these things and remembered a dream I had just a day or two ago. It came back to me in fragments so I don't remember much of it.

I just remember I was up high in some kind of treehouse with large windows and other women were there, studying. At least 2 or 3 Russian women and they were friendly to me and then as I was leaving the room, I noticed for the first time that they were all sitting up against the wall, closer to the base of the tree, where, if fall-out happened or boards collapsed, they would be close to a center and base. I remembered thinking it was smart and what did they do, to realize the potential dangers of sitting out closer to the window at the edge, and I think I wondered if they were intel of some kind.

We were all students of some sort.

Oh, now I'm remembering something else. When I was talking to them, and I think there were three, one of the women started talking about music and she opened her mouth and began to sing and it was the most beautiful voice. So she and I exchanged information and were going to do something together, with music. She had longer blond or dark blond hair and it was straight. She wasn't afraid to just start singing.

I wonder if this was my dream from last night, after watching the American Idol (or British Idol) Scottish woman who is 47 and is in the competition (who made me cry, by the way...who couldn't?).

At any rate, then I left and I went somewhere else but I don't remember where. There was more but I can't remember it right now.


  1. I want to post again anonymously but this time without scripture. I instantly regretted posting scripture yesterday because I don't want you to think I was insinuating that you needed it. I just recently came across that Proverbs note and thought you might enjoy it as well as I did. So, it was in no way directed at you; only something I wanted to share. Your blog is most interesting to me. I had wondered for the past several years what you were "doing these days" and yesterday decided to "Google" your full name. I had done searches on myspace and facebook with no results and was completely surprised to find you by a simple "Google Search." So, yeah, now I'm going back in time to see what you have been doing the past 3 years (what you've blogged about). I can't say it's very entertaining. It's very difficult to read having known you and now reading about what you are going through in life. My heart breaks. It's been a long time since we've seen each other, but I have an attachment to you hoping that you are doing well. When I read that everything is not well, I nearly cried (And I never cry). So, I will check this blog during the work week and try to send comments occasionally. I have no contact information for you to use at this time, so just know that there is someone--that you know--thinking about you and praying for you and your son.

  2. Thank you so much for writing this. I didn't take it the wrong way. I understood your comment as you intended and I just didn't have a chance to respond because I was figuring some things out with my fiance and living situation here in Wenatchee. I really, really, appreciate your comments! I need encouragement! like everyone else. My email is: I know, it's a really dumb address, but I didn't know what else to use bc the regular full name wasn't available so I just picked a random thing after trying normal stuff. I hate it and have meant to change it but I've used it too long. On that note, do not ever write anything to me, by email, which you wouldn't want anyone in the world to read. I mean ANYONE. Because email and ALL internet communications and even regular computer communications, even without internet, are NOT secure. I have so many things going on and believe me, any "info" I have is all out there so I'm not hiding stuff, but I've pissed some people off and I have others who may just be interested in my life and what's going on and it's not that hard to keep track of someone by hacking just a little bit.

    That said, you should let me know who you are. I'm wracking my brain and don't know. But I appreciate this, because the people who DO know me, who have known me before I was slandered and started having weird problems with vandalisms and other stuff, know who I am at heart and what I've always been about. It's really nice to know there are some people who have been faithful to me and believed in me all along, even if it wasn't popular and even when it seemed my credibility was shot for good. I really appreciate this. I mean it. And I am also very, very, thankful for my other secret friends who are supportive of me, but who have good sense not to be too involved in my life, in case someone tried to mess with THEM.

    But I have noticed new friends and support. It's strange, but I do notice this now, and it seems I've been making some new unexpected friends for some of the same reasons I made enemies: by just being a loudmouth and trying to stay honest with what I believe is right, or the truth.

    Thank you for contacting me. And thanks to others who choose not to contact me but who work for me and try to help me, behind the scenes. I know and believe you are out there, from all walks of life, and I love you.

    I'm not "in love" with you, but I love you.

