Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Fiance

We patched things up. Or, my eyes are open but I care about him and hope he sincerely cares about me in the same way.

He said he is flying over here tomorrow and that he's paid for the flight. As far as I know, despite contacts or whatever, he doesn't have a lot of money but he's done some things to try to be supportive, I think, and he says he does care about me and my son. I talked to other people who said if he's really willing to leave D.C. for me, it's true. Even the skeptics say this--that it's not all about personal gain if he's willing to come over here to be with me.

Different things don't make sense, but in other ways I think there is something good between us that could grow. He's stood up for me, too, and that's important.

I'm not totally sure about some things, and I wouldn't be normal if I didn't have questions. I'm sure he has questions about me too. But if he is really sincere about me I know I am a good and loyal person to those who also care for me.

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