Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rochelle Whitewater from Wenatchee, Washington

Those who try to wreck havoc in my life, will be named. Period.

Today, Rochelle must have figured she could screw with me and get away with it. She lied about me, and put me in a precarious position where I ended up being escorted to my room, told I had 15 minutes, or the police would be called.

She purposefully lied about me, thinking I had no witness or support, and if my fiance hadn't backed me up, I would have been victim, AGAIN, to the same old Wenatchee and "other" shit that some have tried to pull, believing they would get away with it and that no one would be there to stand up for me.

What happened was this: I had the room for 7 or 8 days here. This morning, at about 10 a.m., I went to the front desk and asked if it would be possible to have the room for another night, if the same one was available. He said yes and said everything was set, after clicking on a few things on the computer. He made full arrangements. After he had already billed the room, I realized what he'd done by just adding on another night, when I was going to use my cash.

But I just figured I would let my fiance know. So I did. Right after, I called my fiance and told him what had happened and he was fine with everything, and knew I wanted to stay in the same room another night.

So THEN, at about 2:30 p.m., I got a call from the desk and a guy asked if I would be willing to change my room because a "band" was in town: Lonestar, and they wanted my room. I said I had already paid for the room because I really wanted to keep the same one because I had all these errands to run and my stuff was all over the place and I didn't have time to move. He said was there anything he could do to make me change my mind and I said I didn't want to move but if it was really important, I would. He asked what would make it up to me and I said if he could cut me a good deal on the price, that would make my fiance happy. So then he said he'd get back to me. I told him, again, if it was really important, I would move. I wasn't totally inflexible but I just said I preferred to stay where I was.

A few minutes later, a woman called me: Rochelle Whitewater (at least that's who I'm told called). She was mean, nasty, and rude, and said I HAD to move to a different room and that the card payment wasn't "authorized". I told her it WAS, and that my fiance knew about it and it had already gone through. I also told her I had spoken with him about it. I told her to call him. After she treated me like that, I said: "I liked the other guy's approach better" and that was it. I left to run my errands because I had already paid for the room. I told my fiance what was going on--how they wanted to put me in another room because the band was important. I told him, "Yo soy IMPORTANTE". He said everything was fine.

So then, I came back to the hotel at about 5:55 or so and my card didn't work. I went to go back to the office and three guys were coming down the hall and I was yelled at and told I had 15 minutes to get my things together or they would call the police. I was also accused of being hostile and mean to everyone, when everyone knew I was NOT. But he was saying that's not what others said and I had to leave. I told him I had not even yelled at anyone and I'd been respectful and that the first guy set me up with the room and had no problem with me. The WOMAN was mean to me from the start and I didn't even waste time talking with her. I talked to her for about 2 minutes and that was it. No swearing, no hostilities...just "I liked the other guy's approach better."

But no matter what I said or how nicely I tried to plead reason, it was their word against mine. Except for the fact that this time I was going to call on a witness and so I called Exxon. Right after the latino guy said only one night was authorized and HE spoke Spanish so he knew. So I called Exxon, and almost started to cry and said why did he lie to me because I was in trouble and didn't he pay for the room?

They said there was nothing in the computer, even though it had already been booked to me this morning. They said they gave Exxon a deal for last night, for one night at $40. The room was $110 or so regularly and he somehow got it for $40.

After I talked to Exxon over the phone, in Spanish sola, the other Latino started to talk to the other guys. I think they started to realize it wasn't my fault and I'd done nothing wrong. And I was NOT rude or mean to anyone either. Then Exxon told me he'd paid for tickets to move to Wenatchee and I said that's good, but I have a problem right NOW with this room! So he talked to the other Latino again and as he did, the other white guy apologized to me and said he was sorry, and that he had not known what was going on. He fully, completely, apologized, so I thought this was very, very, good. He even said if I had any problems with anyone at the hotel, to go to him at his office, even that night if I needed, and let him know at once. I told him I hadn't had any problem at all with the one guy this morning or over the phone, but the woman was so mean to me and it was like she had a personal vendetta against me. If it hadn't been that I reached Exxon, I would have been told I couldn't even BE in the hotel at all, and to get my things or "policia".

It was horrible, but it's the kind of thing I had to deal with all the time--Someone totally lying about me and getting others to believe the lies. Just to screw me over.

So then Exxon told me everything was fine and the Latino guy said I had the room, no problem. So I shook hands and gave the Latino the traditional kiss on cheek-handshake thing. I told Exxon, no the Latino guy didn't lie at all, because he was honesto and just said he had talked to Exxon the night before and cut the deal for only one night at $40. I said I thought it was just that woman who had started the problems.

I had seen her earlier today in the hotel and she was smirking at me in a weird way and I said, "Do I know you from somewhere?" in a nice way, and she said she didn't know and lived in Wenatchee. I asked where she worked and she said there, at the hotel. She had short, dark, hair. So she was sort of eyeing me in a malicious way or contemptously gleeful way, before she decided to cause real problems for me.

I'm tired of being lied about, for things I haven't done. I am always quick to forgive and apologies go a long way for me, especially for those who really just don't know what's going on and are secondhand parties. But those who purposefully try to say things about me to smear my reputation, have NEVER gotten away with it. I have always named them or reported them. It's not going to stop. I will stand up for myself, as always, and hopefully, whenever there IS a witness, I will be "safe". If my fiance hadn't been there to talk to them, I would have been screwed. I'm thankful he stood up for me.

But really, what I want, is for people to start questioning why they think they are able to get away with the defamation and harassment, even if they are just dealing with me alone. It's good to have support, a partner, and a friend or family to stick up for you. But for me, it has almost become a necessity because others have so screwed with me, they just think they can keep the snowball rolling and never be accountable for what they do.

It is damaging to me and my son and people have gotten away with it. It is why I carry a VOICE RECORDER around with me. It's bad, when you have to carry a frickin' voice recorder around with you just to make sure no one can dispute what you said.

I fully forgive. But I'm not going to be a fucking doormat, ever.

Not even for "Lonestar".


  1. Can't you only use a voice recorder in court if the person you want to record knows you are recording them?

  2. Hi, that's a very good question and one I've had in the past and had to research. So, I'm not a lawyer and I could get in trouble giving out legal advice without having a license. BUT, the laws are all online, and there is case law as well, which has overturned some laws.

    Look up one-party and two-party consent laws for telephonic (or other) recording. The laws vary from state to state. Some states require consent of the other party and other states don't have that requirement. Also, current case law is leaning IN FAVOR of allowing anyone to record audio without the other party knowing.

    For example, in Oregon, the law was that both parties had to know. Well, Dan Gatti won a case which set a new precedent, and overturned the law. His lawyers argued that just as law enforcement and intel needed to have the ability to record to uncover or preserve a true record, so should lawyers and civilians have that same ability.

    If another party is lying and harming others because of their lies, it makes moral and legal sense that the party which is harmed should be able to PROTECT themselves by simply recording the conversation, for their OWN preservation. Nothing in a recording is "dishonest"--what is said is right there on tape and for people like me, who have been lied about over and over when I didn't have a witness backing me to affirm my WORD was good and that I didn't "misunderstand" anything and wasn't "delusional" it is necessary.

    Those who have been "prosecuted" for disobeying two-party consent laws, have won in court when they challenge the matter. That is the current leading or leaning of the law.

    On one hand, everyone should have a right to privacy, but there are times when the need for PROTECTION from abuse of the law and defamation becomes MORE important than "privacy" concerns.

    So, I think, under certain circumstances, it is necessary to break these kinds of laws for ones own protection. It's not like having an illegal gun where you can kill or physically harm someone. It's having the ability to make sure others cannot damage you and those you love by LYING about you and saying you said things you never said, or in a manner which wasn't used.

    But of course, it's walking a line. So you have to look these laws up and use your own judgement. If you are recording people for no good reason and get caught, it's not going to be good in court. But if you are recording lies and corruption by government workers or others who would otherwise NEVER be caught, who are directly HARMING you with lies, then even if you are prosecuted, all it would take is a leak of the audio to the public, and there would be a huge outcry and moral outrage. Who would a jury favor in those circumstances? The right to be safe is more important than the right to "privacy" of those who are immoral, corrupt, and use lies to defame others.

    As for recording in court, that's not something I've written about doing. I recorded material from telephones, from conversations in person, and I've recorded visits with my son. Some of these recordings are technically "illegal" but others know that if they were leaked, I would have the law and the moral right and the public on MY SIDE.

  3. I know Rochelle Whitewater. She is a 2 time felon for stealing thousands of dollars from a bank in East Wenatchee. She causes trouble for everyone who she decides is "beneath her", as if that were possible. She is plain nasty,and I cannot believe that Red Lion keeps her on as their hotel coordinator - especially when lying is her first language!
