Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dr. At RediMedi, Wenatchee, U.S. Air Force

I met this wonderful, highly intelligent Dr. today. She was first rate. I did NOT want to go to any Wenatchee clinic or hospital because they're all one-and-the-same, but I needed a prescription refill and I wanted to try a higher dose of cortisone or a shot. I called the WVC first and asked if the director Dr. Freed would help out one time. There was no return call and in the past, I had problems with his clinic as much as the others. Although this nurse named Alison, was to blame for most of my problems there. She fully set me up and harassed me by disconnecting my attempts to make simple Dr. appointments so I kept having to call back and then it looked like I was calling all the time. I've already written about HER. She's total trash and dishonest. I mean, really, really, bad, and pulled stunts like claiming she was "afraid" of me after she fully harassed me and defamed me.

So anyway, I thought I'd try anyway. No luck and then one woman who was nice to me, at least today, suggested RediMedi, a newer more independent clinic.

And it's way better and for something that sounds like fast food medicine, the care was higher quality and the cost was cheap!

It is only $49 for a Dr. visit there! I paid $600 for my last appointment with the back specialist (ortho guy) in Rockville, MD. That's another story I need to write about which I haven't documented yet. He was good, but the manager of the clinic was a major pain later and someone else was a witness to this, too. Yay! for witnesses! I'll write about this later, excluding name of my wonderful witness (I love her and would work for her).

So this Dr. was thorough and interesting and well-rounded. I looked at her and we were talking about pain stuff and acupuncture came to mind and I brought it up. She looked surprised and told me she'd tried this and it was the best relief she ever had and if there was someone closer, she would personally CHOOSE that form of relief.

I could tell, within 5 or 10 minutes, she wasn't an ordinary Dr. She was really smart and didn't talk down to me either. I said this to her, I said she really changed my opinion about what I thought that clinic was going to be like and I was surprised to find her so intelligent and open minded and well rounded or something. Then she brought up, well, she did other medical work too, so it helped her to keep up with things...She is U.S. Air Force. A Commandeer for emergency stuff by plane. And she does other medical military stuff or things as a volunteer, which I thought was really cool, because I could see right away that she was an asset.

I almost sized her up from first glance. She is very observant and a deep thinker but conversational as well. When I first saw her though, I knew she was a very deep person. You could see it in her eyes. She isn't just glancing absentmindedly at people...she is sizing them up the same way I was looking at her.

She also said some things others said in the community today, about RediMedi, and their mission. I really agree with it.

They are the only clinic that will travel, the main Dr., to the homes of others who are disabled or elderly and cannot make it to an office. Which absolutely fills a need. And they are cheaper than most, at $49 a visit, it is clear the mission is to serve and help others, not to just make as much money as possible.

I felt proud for them. I was very pleasantly surprised and I highly recommend their care.

I also noticed others have made note of this clinic too and are impressed with the mission. The Dr. I went to was Kathleen. I don't remember her last name. Oh, it's Flarity. Kathleen Flarity. I liked her and felt I had a commonality with her. I said she was a good role model for women and I was speaking for myself as a part of that group and personally. A good, strong woman with an open mind who is doing community service.

At any rate, I needed to have my prescription refilled and then I also decided to try a higher strength of the steroid pack for my back. I wanted to get a local shot but they didn't have their guy who does them there today so I opted to try a higher dose of oral steroids. The first little packet I got was only 4 mg. FOUR. Not 40, but four. So she started me out on 40 mg to see if it packs a better punch.

Right now, at this moment, I'm on one Percocet and I took one pill earlier for steroid stuff, but I still feel achiness and pain. I am realizing I cannot expect to be totally painfree anymore. I just have to find a level I'm comfortable with, which enables me to work and think about other things. I definitely notice problems when I go without anything at all. The narcotics DO help. I am hoping to find something that is good for other relief. On my UA test, I listed my prescribed medications which are minimal but include Percocet, and Flexeril. I haven't taken any Flexeril until last night, I took 1/3 of one for muscle spasm. First time in a long time for that.

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