Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Good Guesses Today!

I made three good intuitive (or other?) guesses today:

1. I was discussing pain stuff with the Dr. and looking at her, acupuncture came to mind and I brought it up and discovered it was her favorite form of relief.

2. I was talking with a woman behind the desk at a car dealer place, and she genially told me she'd never needed pain meds except for one time, after surgery. I looked at her face and "cancer" came to mind. It didn't make sense totally bc cancer usually means pain meds before and after surgery, not just during surgery, but I saw "cancer." I wanted to test it though, so I said, "Did you have cancer?" and she said yes. She had had a very large tumor and cancer was found INSIDE the tumor when they removed it. It was totally enclosed so it didn't spread and the surgery had simply been to remove the tumor and then later the cancer inside of it was found.

That was kind of weird. Because how would I guess that? She said, "Maybe I look old enough to have cancer?" and I laughed and said no. The other thing, is I knew she didn't have it at that moment, that it was in the past.

3. There was another guy there and I laughed when he brought up how he took Anacin and it worked great. He had these really beautiful blue eyes. An older man, about 60 or more, and I said he reminded me of my grandfather. I said, "You grew up on a farm, huh! Were you a farmer?" and he looked shocked a little, or surprised, because I was right. I told him those farmers are the hardiest people and just keep going and going and going. He laughed and defined, after nodding yes to my question, that he'd been a rancher and worked on a ranch in Montana in his past. I said it must have been really interesting and he said it was. He didn't say, but I think this is a man who maybe really loved doing that. I don't know why he quit. But there was this fire and sentimental "River Runs Through It" air to his expression. Right after that, he arranged for a guy to take me to my hotel so I didn't have to pay for a taxi. I was just waiting there and had already called a cab and was just passing time chatting.

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