Thursday, April 16, 2009

Took My Drug Test

Today I walked from the Red Lion Hotel to "The Center" to give a UA sample. It's about 2-3 miles. I don't have a lot of money to spend, so if I need to walk I will. I am attempting to "comply" with some ordered "services" I had a hard time agreeing with (for obvious and documented reasons that I was railroaded with zero opportunity to defend myself fairly), and which I couldn't comply with because of physical injuries and hospitalizations at last to take care of these things.

I've been willing to do a UA at any time, but it was always scheduled last minute, way out of the way where I had no access to a bus or something. I offered to do a full eval for "drug seeking" stuff that I wasn't guilty of, BEFORE they took my son, and no one took me up on my offer. I specifically asked, and I was told I had to "admit" I had a "problem" first. That didn't make any sense and I wasn't going to admit to something I was trying to be cleared of.

So I did it today, because it was finally scheduled at a place I could access and I could go at any time and just walk in. So I went on over and did the sample thing and that was it. Then I called Exxon and told him and he said how did it turn out, did I pass? I said, "No, it has to go to a lab first and then they give results. But it's not going to show any drugs." He said, "Yeah?!" and I said, "Yeah! You know that! You know I don't do any drugs!" and then he laughed and said, "Yeah."

He knows I have had very few inhales of marijuana since I've been with him, and that it was only for medical reasons to prevent migraine. Other than that, I've just had the Percocet for my herniated discs.

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