Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Philanthropic Idea

I have more than one idea, but I told Exxon the other day, when we couldn't bring up the original b&w video for U2s "Stay (Far Away, So Close)", that if I had some money, I would buy the right to keep the originals up on Youtube, for educational purposes.

I told him I knew artists had to make a living and had a right to be paid for their work and it's so easy to get music free these days...BUT, I told him, I was able to start educating myself MORE when I was able to watch things on YouTube and Lastfm.

I never would have discovered the things I discovered, or been enriched, if these things hadn't been available. Just that one video by U2 provided days of food for thought, about other cultures, divides, unity, and dichotomy.

I think the public should have access to these things. But someone should be paid too. If I had enough money, I would pay for others to be able to experience some of these things, for free because otherwise they never would.

He laughed, which is understandable, considering it would probably cost an arm and a leg to buy the rights to keep that stuff up.

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