Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some U.S. Accountability (A Response!)

I got a couple of emails recently, regarding my complaints to the ADA, which I might post at some point.

At least, it shows someone is trying to redirect my complaints to the proper jurisdiction--which shows at least some attempt to be accountable for things that happened to me.

Which, I find surprising and heartening after all of these problems and the impossibility in my attempts to get any help.

The worst of which just ended up in a giant snowballing of slander against me, which put both me and my son is an extremely dangerous position where no one was listening to me, and people didn't believe what I was trying to say.

But, today I opened up an email directing my FBI complaint to a different department, and I got an email a little while ago which I haven't opened, which is for a different aspect of my complaint I think.

So this is good.

If the U.S. can correct some of these things, I could work for, or IN, the U.S. and help others. I have at least seen some turn-around with the better treatment of me by police here on the East Coast.

I mean, at least it gives me a little bit of hope. Things have been so screwed up for so long, I forgot what it's like to see people adhering to rules and just doing a decent job.

I told Exxon I'd go to get the marriage application. He keeps saying it's just an application, the first part. He said it can be dismissed, and it's just paper. It is a big deal to me though. I mean, even the application part makes me nervous, even if I can dismiss everything.

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