Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Families Victim to CPS and ADA Violations

I received two independent emails today, with information from other families that have had their rights violated, both families which had evidence of disability (physical) with one or both parents and had their children removed.

One man wrote in, who lost his 2 year old daughter after a serious accident and injury, and another family wrote in about multiple ADA violations.

These are parents who believe their children were removed because of physical disabilities they couldn't control, and, my guess is that they were railroaded because they were poor.

CPS does not investigate abuse or neglect or "no parent capable" of the middle class or upper class. Give me ONE example. They target low income, as if being low income is a fault on its own. CPS has only and always gone after families that are low income, and in these situations, sometimes, perhaps not very educated and therefore vulnerable, and, in these two cases I just got coming in to me, physical disability played a role in the level of income to begin with.

I believe it is time for some lawyer to step up to the plate and challenge these things through a class action.

I have to get ahold of Pam (Pat?) Roach, the Senator for Washington.

I'm going to try to arrange to meet up with her very soon.

No one cares enough about these families. There is nothing "in it" for most of the lawyers who might want to take cases that enhance their connections or social standing and might be easy work. These are not "easy work" cases and involve bringing out evidence and organizing material into contextual framework and timelines.

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