Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Scammed By The Catholic Colombians and Embassy of Colombian

Obviously, I have been scammed and I was to find out about this at the very last moment.

And not only do I think this was a part of a scam by my ex, on the side of the Colombians, but he was trying to screw me over, from the beginning, with the U.S. and WORKS for the U.S.

I figured this much out a couple of weeks ago and he got nervous and I guess the last part of the plan was to string me along with empty promises until they got me on a plane to Wenatchee and just dumped me here.

Now, after he realized I have figured all of this out, at the last minute, he tried to fucking offer me "$500" after promising me, for days, to help with all kinds of things, with the Colombian buddies on board and making promises as well.

He tried to leave me with absolutely nothing and they kept distracting me and stalling with empty promises, whenever he and his friends thought it was the final day for me to lose my son. I noticed this happened twice, but I thought maybe I was wrong. I wasn't wrong, because today I realized this is the THIRD time he's done this.

He was wasting my time, for the last 8 days, promising, promising, and dragging things out, claiming he was going to help me the next day, "tomorrow".

Not only were they trying to stall so I would lose my son, he has done work WITH the fucking U.S. in the courthouse in Rockville, Maryland.

If he has any ties at all to the Colombian mafia, he was using the information as a rat for the U.S. There is no way he would be so "recognized" unless he was working for those at Rockville. All the attorneys and police and others there knew who he was and security too. And then to disentangle from me at one point, he asked me where I was going, to WHAT courthouse and WHAT TIME, and then had some OTHER federal guy waiting there to try to entrap me in a straight pay-out for a marriage-green card deal. And Alvaro knew about it and felt guilty when I stood there and told him I had chosen to be "loyal" to him. I have plenty of more information about how he works both sides of the fence.

I was "loyal" to him when he was fucking around on me, behind my back for months. Lying about it, and then claiming it wasn't happening anymore, and even going so far as to tell me recently that he "loved" me. I love you?

These people purposefully sought me out, and tried to "groom" me to be a fucking spy, and when I said I didn't WANT to do it, they just tried to get rid of me and screw me over.

The first contacts I made, after meeting Alvaro, were with people who worked in primary positions for The Embassy of Colombia.

Then, I realized, he's not just working for Colombia. He's fucking working for the U.S. as well, and I was getting screwed over left and right by two different teams who had the same fucking agenda to retaliate against me, set me up, lie to me and use me, and hope I lost my son in the entire process.

Not only that, these nice "Catholics" were not just promising me things and then backing out on stuff, they were trying to set me up to fall, and the last part of the whole plan was to dump me off in Wenatchee, at the last minute, and then waste my time, knowing I had zero money.

The whole time, just stalling and using up my time so I was dependent on them and no one else and then had no one else to help me out at the very last minute with anything.

I am going to write about this whole sham set-up from the very first day I was approached by these people, and I am not leaving out any fucking details.

I realized, after 8 days of being in Wenatchee and Alvaro stalling, that something was up. He was still lying to me too, about the other Colombian woman not being at the BBQ for Claudia.

I guess they thought they could screw me over and then join the gang to be dismissive of the whole thing, and me, and say I'm lying or mentally ill or something.

To the last minute, Alvaro was telling me he "loved me". Telling me not to be with anyone else. Telling me all kinds of shit.

And then I figured it out when I told him I was coming back on the plane this morning. I realized something wasn't right when I kept telling him I was stranded here without a car. THEY ALL KNEW that I needed to be able to drive to another city to have my medical things taken care of, and THEY ALL KNEW I was coming into Wenatchee not just to see my son but to file PAPERS in the court. THEY KNEW I needed a car to drive.

The whole time, jerking me around for nothing. And I kept thinking I might be wrong about that. I kept thinking maybe I'm misunderstanding something but I wasn't.

I was lied to, treated like shit, and they wanted me to lose my son in the whole process of using me for their own means and agenda.

I told Alvaro I was taking the flight back this morning and he called me up early, telling to rebook for another date and he'd pay for it. Then he was telling me he'd pay for more nights in the hotel when he knew check out time was at 12 noon.

AFTER I MISSED the flight today, thinking he'd paid for a DIFFERENT return date, and after I'd given him the confirmation number and everything, he was then leaving me with no place to even sleep tonight. He kept saying he was going to pay for more nights at the hotel, pay off my driving tickets, and buy a car for me and all he was doing was stalling on every single thing so I didn't have time to do anything different.

Now, I start writing about this and figured out how he purposefully wanted me to miss my flight back to Maryland this morning, and misled me, to have me miss my flight, and he suddenly comes up with instant solutions to everything. The whole time he was promising to pay for this and that, he was working on his alternate plan(which was never an alternate plan to begin with). Maybe he and the Colombians suddenly want a little FUCKING DAMAGE CONTROL.

He calls saying I can ride a bus, he's checked and thinks I can and that I can "work" in Wenatchee, and that I can go to the MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS IN WENATCHEE. I've told him about all my problems with these people and the clinics in this town, which were directly involved in injuring me and my son and covering up for their shit, and I told him I had to go out of this town for medical care, and he sits there and tells me it's fine for me to get medical care here. NO it is NOT. I never "got" medical care here, and if I had, I wouldn't have had to go out of the area for basic X-rays that every single clinic in town refused to do. I wouldn't have been looking for a medical malpractice attorney for our injuries. I wouldn't have been slandered as being "drug seeking" when I never was.

I told him, and he KNOWS, I had problems with the medical people here. He knew I had to go out of the town, and I've been saying this all along and ever since I've been in Wenatchee, I've been saying this and saying I needed a car.

These fucking people wanted to box me in, in Wenatchee, just like every other group that's had an issue with me, and they left me at the last minute with zero time for making any kind of different plan.

Then, he acts upset if I bring up how he's cheated on me. Like it even matters to him.

This woman, Carolina, from the fucking Colombian Embassy, was telling me they could help me with a car in the first week I was even WITH Alvaro. They asked me what kind I would like and asked if a minicooper would be alright. Then Alvaro was later asking me about a car and what kind I wanted.

You know what I said? I said, "Oh, it's okay...I don't NEED a car here in this area, because it's easy to take a bus or the Metro."

I turned DOWN an offer to have a CAR. WHY?!!!!! I guess it's because I'm such a "user" and was only thinking about myself. THEN, when I really NEED one, the moneytree is just completely barren.

But I'm supposed to think everyone was "helping" me and my son.

For all of the huge and tremendous promises that were made to me, and attempts to PREVENT me from getting things done that would help me get my son back, I received very little. I saw about 30% out of 100% of the promises made to me. I wasn't the one making the fucking offers and promises either. It's not like I was asking and I was turned down. I was promised a LOT, and now it's down to the absolute last minute and wire, and I'm being told I should have no problem riding a bus and that no one has any "money".

Everyone is so flat broke all of a sudden. Nice timing.

It's one thing, to know someone is on your side and they just don't have the money, in all reality. It's one thing to know someone cares about you and you try to work together to resolve money issues. It's ANOTHER FUCKING THING to be totally lied to and misled, by a huge group of people who are promising all kinds of things, and saying they want to help me with my SON.

It's like no one wanted me out of their sight, so I couldn't hook up with another group of people that might actually do something real for my son, and help financially with the legal situation. I was just kept on the line, and fed small little portions of promises made, however little might keep me quiet and satisfied and thinking perhaps there would be more to come down the road for fixing things with regard to my son.

Oh, and then LOVE, on top of everything else. If anything, I was the one who was loyal and faithful, and who CARED. It was like how cheap could someone get me for or for their game, and then my son was just to be cast aside to be with another family.

FOR WHAT?!!!!!! Everyone knew what I did, I did for my son, and yet people just didn't even care if someone else raised him, because either I was the object for retaliation, or I was a better fucking PAWN and piece for moving about for their own fucking operations without a kid. And I just had someone else say this exact same thing just the other day. That people in "intelligence" are better off with their kids somewhere else or raised by someone else or not in the middle of things.

I ALREADY CHOSE NOT TO BE A PART OF ANY OF THAT. I chose my son, and that was MY CHOICE, and I made MY decisions based on information I was getting which was supposedly to support this. But I was told over and over, well if you don't have your son back, what will you do? you have to move forward, I was told, like my son being out of my life was a good thing and better option for WHO?

These people strung me along for MONTHS. Not just a couple of weeks, but MONTHS. And NOTHING to show for all their "concern" about my son.

I was just set up to look a little bit better than I did before, and checked for my language skills, and God knows what else, and then promised all kinds of shit which was backed out of, and AGAIN, at the last minute.

How does Alvaro manage to be so "poor" if he can afford more than one fucking girlfriend in the first place? He flashed his money around when he WANTS to but comes up empty handed when it really matters. What? Now Miss Colombian Princess is the next in line for the stupid role? I am just dumped off with bare means for doing anything, and told everything is going to be just "fine"? I asked Alvaro, if he is so poor and has "no money", how DID he afford to go out with other women so much and with her, and she certaintly looks well-maintained. You don't even take women out to dinner without being able to pay for it. The money spent on these whores or entertainment for them, could have gone towards fulfilling some of the promises made to me and my son.

And what kind of "friends" are they if they have "all" this money to throw around if I fit into their plan just right, but have nothing if I don't or if they changed their minds?

It's one thing to use me for whatever reason, but if you're going to use me and then just dispose of me, after all I've been through, I would think someone wouldn't leave me with nothing. I would think, for the sake of appearance at least, and good terms, that these people would have said this isn't working out but here you go, and good luck with your son, and at least made it fucking WORTH MY TIME. It seems to me that some people had another agenda from the get-go, to just use me and then get rid of me when it was too late for me to have any other strategy on filing complaints, motions, and appeals, and getting a lawyer, and having a car and other things.

"Love" on top of it all. Funny how something that looks like a business deal or little intelligence networking pays SO WELL, but plain old "love" has no fucking money.

And if Alvaro loved me so much, he sure didn't want me to miss my flight to Wenatchee, and didn't pick me up or want me to go back to the house when I missed it that first night.

Even today, to the last minute there were expectations and promises of "trying" to help fix this or that and pay for certain things, but nothing came through. Then it was just a "here you go" throwing the whole "real plan" at me when everyone realized I knew what was up and there was no way to fool me anymore.

And I have people telling me I need to know how to "play the game". Or, asking me if I really want to be a part of "the game" and that perhaps I wouldn't want to a pawn in someone else's master plan.

Alvaro said why didn't I call my father. He's never brought up my Dad before and I've never made it an issue either and he said I should call my father.

After I wrote this, he called, acting like nothing was wrong and he didn't read my blog. But he does, because I found my blog on his phone a long time ago. He just kept talking like everything was totally fine and he was really trying to help me and kept bringing up "solutions" or "ideas" but then he'd go back and forth on them.

He knows today was technically the last day for me to be able to file and serve papers, in the court, and to the state. I told him this and have been telling him what I needed to do before I ever got over here.

I don't know why he's still acting like he doesn't know about anything and everything is just fine. I was actually believing him and told him the night before that I would try to help with some things for him. Then, it's like, after the third time of being taken down to the line and then having someone just say they can help with a couple of really small things (out of guilt or preservation) it's weird.

I ask him about the Embassy people and all the promises and things, and he never has an answer. He doesn't even have an excuse, and he just says nothing.

They knew what they were doing. And now, he wants me to think he's innocent or something and that this whole thing wasn't planned to start with.

The last thing he offered was to come to Wenatchee. Yeah. Right after he made sure I missed my flight back to Maryland and lost a different return date on it. He makes it sound like he's so poor, and has "NO" money, but it's like when he said I couldn't drive the car (in Maryland) because there was something wrong with the gears, but after time had expired and it was too late for me to file papers at a courthouse in Maryland, to remedy a situation, he had no problem with my driving the car again. As is.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cameo. I am a person who knows you of 8 years ago. I don't have a blogger account, so this will be anonymous. I love you. I'm not in love with you, but I care that you are well. This is all I'm going to say for now, but maybe we'll be in touch through here and I will be anonymous until you guess my name:
    "MY son, if you receive my words,
    And treasure my commands within you, So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, [and] apply thine heart to understanding; Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, [and] liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as [for] hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth [cometh] knowledge and understanding."
    -Proverbs 2:1-6
