Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Photos from Granny and Grandpas Orchard

These are some photos of Granny and Grandpa's orchard in Cashmere, Washington. Exxon and I took a walk on the property and took photos of the view from the property. Bella, bella!

Exxon also took photos of some photos of me when I was younger.


  1. Boy, you haven't aged one bit. You look exactly the same as I last remember you. The family orchard looks the same as I last remember it too, but I only ever saw it once for a couple days. I vaguely remember your 'Granny', but I do remember a long, purple?/pink? snake/boa that she had at her house. I could be way off, but I vaguely recall an item like that from when I visited with you. So, yeah, I'm still checking up on you, but you didn't post yesterday, so I had nothing to comment on. I'm still praying for you, your son and now Exxon, and your family of course and just that the Lord will do a work in your life/situation. I have been praying now since discovering your blog, so the work is certainly in motion.

    "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." -Philippians 4:6

    I was curious about two words here in this verse. First, the word "careful" here in the original language is "merimnaō" which means: to be troubled with cares. Second, the word "supplication" here in the original language is "deēsis" meaning: a seeking, asking, entreating, entreaty to God.

    Enjoy your day and love the Lord.

  2. hello,

    I THINK I know who this is. A man, and only one of two options. I'm trying to find out if you're a "J" or a "M"!

    Let me know. I laughed so hard at the part about barely remembering Granny but remembering the purple and pink dragon boa or stuffed animal that she has propped up along the back of the couch. No one forgets the dragon.

    It's a nice mixture of cheap renditions of family crests, old piles of newspapers, and odd knick knacks there.

    Thank you for the encouragement and good words. Thank you, too, for the prayers.

    I have been feeling stronger lately actually. I'm sure not being laid up with weird health problems helps, but I'm doing a lot better physically and it frees me up to get things done and fight harder for my son and his return to me.

    I will write about him soon.
