Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Using a "Blog" for "Evidence"

I'm going to post some photos from a Colombian party later. Right now I'm working on some things for my son. Have a good day everyone.

I have one thing to say right now...

Using a "blog" as "evidence" of anything, without verifying what is written is true or not, or imaginative or fact, or fiction based on fact, is foolish.

CPS doesn't have any evidence or proof that anything I write in my blog is factual, and they've actually never even bothered to ask, in court. They go around, showing people short clips, and hand things over as if it's a full representation of my life and they don't know which parts are true or not. They just pick and choose. It's foolish and it's not evidence of anything when you don't authenticate the material. It's not something you use as "evidence" unless you first get that person under oath to state what is true or not true. Using someone's blog or creative writing against them, is not grounds for removal of a child, nor is it evidence of a mental illness when no one even bothered to ask for clarification.


  1. Interesting. You say CPS is foolish for using your blog as "evidence" because you consider it "creative writing." Yet you expect others to believe what you say in your blog as fact.

  2. some parts are fact and other parts are fiction or written purposefully to mislead to ascertain the truth in actual circumstances.
