Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Plot Thickens: Mystery of My Origins

I forgot to mention something that happened yesterday when I was at the Safeway. I was going through the line with my things, and the check out woman asked me, out of the blue, what my name was. I said, "Cameo Garrett" and she said, "Are you related to Bob Garrett?" and she said I looked like him. I said, "Yes!" and she said, "The Bob Garrett from Cashmere?" and I said, "Well, the Bairds, my mother's side of the family is in Cashmere" and she said, "No, it was Bob Garrett from Mission Creek" and I said, "Yes, my father lived there when I was first born." and then she said, "Yeah! and your mother died."

I said, "What? Oh I don't think so! I don't know...maybe you know more than I do!" and I looked back and everyone else in line behind me had these wide eyes and huge smiles of shock too and I said, "I'll be back!" and the checker was smiling.

My mother died? Just recently, someone was asking me if I really knew who my mother was and that I at least looked a lot like my Dad.

It was SO weird and random. Had me wondering again. I'm sure I've seen my birth certificate though, and it has my mother's (who is still alive) name on it, with my footprint.

I'm starting to wonder though. I mean, why are all these people coming up with ideas that my mother died when I was a baby or something? And, who was this "other" Bob Garrett whose mail my mother intercepted, who had the exact same name and even middle name and "Jr." part, who lived in an adjoining town. I think my mother said he even had the same birthdate as my Dad, and she met him, but it was a totally different person.

I think it's nothing, because I don't know how someone would fake a certificate. I mean, if my mother was pregnant with me and I was born to her, I'm sure the birth certificate is real...

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