Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fiance Says He Didn't Lie

Exxon called and said there's no mistake or lie. He says he wasn't with the Colombian princess and that she wasn't there and Henry was mistaken or something. He said I could talk to Henry. He said he's been wearing the ring and hasn't been with someone else.

And then he asked me what I was doing for Easter, because it was a day for "eating". I told him, "I'm having nachos at the Taco Bell" in a dry tone and he cracked up laughing and said no, I should eat something better. I told him nachos were fine.

I talked to some people in Wenatchee about work for Exxon and passed on some phone numbers to him. We're planning to get an apartment in the area soon for flying back and forth from Maryland, because it's cheaper than a hotel. The more hours of visitation I get with my son, the better it will be. Just a small, cheap, apartment and then a car to drive over here.

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