Sunday, April 12, 2009

Vibes & Energies

The whole vibe and current of energies is totally different here from Washington D.C. There is SO much going on in the D.C. area, and I feel I'm picking up on so many different currents and undercurrents, it almost exhausts me. It's exciting, and there's a lot going on, but it's not just on the surface. I met really interesting international people with interesting jobs, but there was other stuff I was always picking up on.

Some call it a "feel" for a place, and others talk about spiritual overtones, and still others just talk about psychic energies, which is basically intuitive vibes. Over there, so many incredible and weighty things going on, right under our noses. Deals being made, people plotting and planning, people trying to change or save the world and a lot of others just looking out for number one.

It's really different. It "feels" very flat over here, at least for me right now, I don't pick up on a lot. It just feels pretty flat, which isn't good or bad. I'm not "picking up on" bad OR good vibes really.

Something is very, very, different about the D.C. area.

I also have pretty good idea about someone who is helping with my situation, behind the scenes. I just know. Don't know how I know, but I do. I like this song, "Grace" by Me'Shell NdegeOcello.

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