Friday, April 3, 2009

Russian Jewish Man From Argentina!

This man is not one to worry about, for me at least. He's interesting. I told him I looked like the wind had blown me in myself, when I came to this town and he was good natured about me and laughed. He has an older van and is smart, and not nuts (from what I can tell by our conversation), reading a book about Cold War subs, and I just had a rather good feeling from talking with him.

I told him I knew you can't judge a book by its cover in this town and that for all I knew, he was a person of power. He cracked up, at my indelicate suggestion he didn't look so high and mighty.

I said, "You should have seen me when I first came into town!" I told him, "My most powerful pieces were my laptop and this handbag that I couldn't afford and bought anyway." I told him, I guessed my big mouth was my "power" and it was like Mordor's Ring or the Ring from Lord of the Rings. He laughed.

He said, yeah, you can walk down Connecticut Ave. and just feel the power. All the international people, and embassies, you know.

His grandparents came over during the Russian Revolution. He asked where I was from and I said not Russia, though appearances can be deceiving. I told him everyone thought I looked Russian, but as far as I knew, no one in my family was unless we took on a different name to hide our identity.

I brought up sectoral heterochromia and said I'd read it was a common trait in Russian royalty and then I laughed. He said he's seen someone with a SOLID BLUE eye and then a SOLID GREEN eye. I thought it was so strange too, and he said, "disconcerting" and I thought, "Definitely disconcerting." More strange than a brown eye and a blue eye.

I looked at him and said, "Are you Russian?" after he'd just said he was from Argentina. But then he said yes. Then I asked if he was Jewish and he said yes and looked at me like I was a medium.

He said, "Don't worry about me, I'm a strange person." and I said "Strange is good. I'm a strange person too."

I told him that looking at this book "Dark Waters", made me think of someone in particular, who, I said, I thought was in the Navy.

I actually feel better after talking to HIM, of all things. ? have no idea why. And, right now it is almost 9 p.m. and the heaviness vibe has totally lifted and is gone completely. I think, about a half hour ago, I noticed it went away.

The first thing I said to him, after discovering he was Russian and Jewish (on top of maybe American and Argentinian too or something...), was to "say hello to Vladimir for me." I laughed and told him I said this to everyone who was from Russia, because in this town, you never know who knows who. And he laughed and that's how we got onto the people with power topic. I told him about the dream I'd had that Vlad wanted to meet me, which I had when I was with Chris D. one night. I think I actually woke Chris up to tell him about it.

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