Friday, April 3, 2009


I have the really bad vibe right now.

The heaviness sort of thing. For about the last half hour maybe. At first, this afternoon, everything seemed very positive and then it changed, and now seems just very heavy but, I don't know how to describe it.

Something seems really wrong, but I don't know why. It's sort of mixed. Like someone is praying or something but there's still something bad going on.

I haven't been able to reach Exxon and he was supposed to be off work after 5, and I left a couple of messages, but I don't know that it has anything to do with him. At other times, I had the heaviness vibe and I was sitting right there in the car with him and nothing was going on with him and he wasn't in a bad mood or anything.

I don't know what's going on but I feel sort of anxious and have the heavy feeling too. I don't know what is going on, but something isn't okay. I don't think and actually, for some reason I think it might have something to do with Exxon this time. Or involves him in some way. It's just not GOOD, whatever it is.

I used to wonder though, if I got this vibe when Chris was doing something or in danger, but I never knew.

Sometimes I wonder if it's my son. But I've called before and discovered no, that's not the case.

I just tried calling for my son and no one answered at my aunt and uncle's house.

I called where Chris works just now and hung up because I was told he is working (and so, I'm guessing, he should be fine).

Something isn't okay though.

No, and I think it's been longer than a half hour, more like a couple of hours?

But getting worse and not better. I feel very anxious that something is NOT okay. I don't know what though. I called the fiance and he said everything was fine and nothing was wrong and then I was disconnected and when I tried to call back he didn't answer. He sounded like he was in the car. He kept saying everything was fine.

I called someone a couple of minutes ago and when I asked if something was wrong they said, "No. All is well. Have a good day." and that was it and it seemed like I was wrong. For a split second, the heaviness lifted but then it just settled again.

Something is NOT okay though and I can tell. I swear to God, someone is very very sad and I'm starting to think it's my son and then I posted the last short paragraph and feel it lift just a little bit again. It is 7:19 p.m. at this moment.

I haven't noticed this feeling in a few days. It's really strong right now though.

There is this guy sitting next to me right now and I stared at him for a few seconds. It's not him! He's from Argentina he said and is working on some things next to me but it's not him.

I feel like I must be doing something really, really, wrong, or...? my son is really sad or in danger. or someone I know is really sad or something not good is going on and there's a heaviness about a situation.

Things are not "aligning".

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