Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stolen Money

Someone fucking stole all the money I had, this morning, from my hotel room. It was in my purse.

I didn't have that much, but I had some money and I know for sure it had to be someone from the motel because it was there until I left my room to walk across the street to Starbucks and I left my purse in the hotel room.

It wasn't there when I got back. I cannot believe this. It had to be a cleaning lady or something.

I guess it was dumb to leave it behind, but I thought, just to go to the coffee place, no big deal.

My BACK is fucking killing me too. I have to go to the doctors and get a refill on my prescription and get a big shot or something. I took 800 mg. Advil and it doesn't help. Seriously, it does NOT help at all. It's still the throbbing and horrible pain. The Percocet really does help and I notice it more when I'm without it. I still feel pain even with Percocet but then WITHOUT, it's suddenly extreme and I realize I wasn't doing too bad before, in comparison. This SUCKS.

A couple of times the cleaning women were trying to go to my door and it wasn't check out time and I noticed two different women. That was before I left. No one could have gotten in without a key. I had the money when the guy came to visit, Mr. "I'm Not From NY" cop, and I still had the money. I also know only Exxon was in my room last night and he wouldn't take it and it was dark the whole time and I don't think he was even around my purse. It would only be Exxon or a cleaning lady and I don't see how it would even be possible for Exxon to take anything and why would he?

I think it was a cleaning woman. But the room wasn't cleaned. Otherwise, my purse has always been with me. I only left it in the hotel room.

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