Friday, May 22, 2009

Art People & Lucky Guess About Knives

I had a good time last night, but as photos show, I was really tired. I had a drink with this guy I met at the at the art store who does metal sculpture and used to fly the French guy who directed "Red", "White", and "Blue". What's his name??? Blue is one of my favorites. UPDATE! I don't think this is the right movie director. He's famous, and I think, French? but he just passed away one year ago and that's not Kryst. I was then thinking Polansky, but I forget these guys are both polish, but it's a big name like this. This friend though, really wants to work for Jean-Michel Coustou as a chef.

So he took me to the hardware store so I could get some masonite. Then we had a drink and some other people who are about 19-21 were hanging out with us and we all had dinner. They want me to go out dancing with them after I showed the girls a couple of moves and was goofing off. Said I'd be fun to dance with. Yes. I need some women friends to club with. Well, you cannot really "club" in Wenatchee. At any rate, then this guy who is barely 20 asked if he'd seen me at one of his friends parties. I don't think he knows how old I am.

But one roommate is a hair artist, so she's artistic, and the sculpture guy is versed in Modern Art and said he could quiz me on what I know when I'm trying to learn some new things. He's also a chef and has traveled the world which is cool.

We talked about Tequila Sheilas and some kind of strawberry with brandy dessert. And strawberry shortcake. And frittata, some egg over pasta Italian dish. We may all get together to watch the Jackson Pollack movie. I want to see that.

I screwed up my best tight jeans getting oils on it. I got a little oil paint on my spiderweb shirt too. Sucks. I don't have a lot of clothing. Should have changed into dirty painting shit.

Oh, SO, my lucky guess came when I was sitting around my cedar hope chest where we were all eating. I looked at this one woman and knives just flashed to my mind. Not in a scary way at all, but I saw knives. So, not knowing anything about her, and she's young, I asked, "Can I ask, did you ever have an incident with knives, or know anyone with knives or anything?" She said no. I kept seeing knives or a knife though. She kept denying. I said, "No one around you has had knives or no incident?" and then finally she said, well, almost everyone she knew had a knife and carried it on them. She thought this was totally typical and normal. She said all her friends and guy friends carried a knife. And THEN, she said, her ex-boyfriend MADE her carry a knife with her. She said he'd wanted her to carry a gun and she wouldn't so he made her carry a knife around in her purse, wherever she went. No mace, a knife. So she did.

So I felt sort of relieved the knife thing wasn't out of place. I was okay with being "wrong" if I was wrong, but I just kept seeing a knife or knives. I knew it had something to do with her life.

Then she said when she was younger, she'd done a little dealing, but no more. I could tell she and her new boyfriend don't do anything now. But I saw the knife.

She hadn't said one thing about being into drugs or anything illegal, or dangerous, at all. She looked like she was just out of high school. I wasn't making physical contact either. It was more like I was looking at her and the image flashed into my mind and I knew it had something to do with her life. I should say, and correct myself, I believed it had something to do with her life. But it is possible I saw a knife because of something going on somewhere else, and just thought it was about her because I was looking at her when it came to mind. I am pretty sure it had to do with her, but the only thing that seems strange is the knife I saw was larger, not like a pocket knife. But it could have been representative of knives in general. I guess I don't know if she was carrying a pocket knife or a slightly larger knife. I'll have to ask her.

I did go ahead and send an email to the Rhine Center at Duke University, to see if they're conducting any studies or experiments but they said no, not right now, but the woman was really nice and asked me to keep documenting my experiences and she was putting me in a file for later date, when they might be needing participants for studies.

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