Friday, May 22, 2009

Photos of Me & Latest Painting

I went to the art store with no money. Barely. I bought on discount, a medium cadmium yellow, dark cadmium red., white, and light red (more rust colored). I added a little black, and used just these colors on masonite. Canvass is expensive and the guy said the Mona Lisa is painted on masonite, so what's good enough for Leonardo is good enough for me. My big problem, is that my brushes suck. I have only 4 right now and they're all square tips and small. I need some big brushes and tapered ones,...brushes make a HUGE difference. I couldn't get an edge worth anything with what I had, so I just used my hands. The entire painting is just hand and finger painted. With oils. So my nails look great today. I am looking tired. You can see shadows under my eyes in the pics.

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