Thursday, May 21, 2009

music today & Exxon to Rest

i love Solange's "T.O.N.Y.". and "No More Drama" by alicia keys? I listened to "sting" radio today and laughed out loud at "Mean to Me" by Crowded House. I also like Mark Knopler. He's got a very nice voice, that Mark.

I'm sort of surprised by how many people have asked me if I am doing "okay" not being with Exxon.

Hell yeah.

Give me an H.E.L.L. yell.

Don't get me wrong, I care about him and don't want him to end up in jail and I did love him in my own way, but he was a dog and I knew it from the first. That's why I say photos/pictures can lie. The photo I posted of me and Alvaro, at the Colombian party, where I'm wearing the pink and white silk shirt and he's wearing white...well, we look so happy don't we? Let me tell you, Alvaro got obnoxiously drunk that night, and I was sobbing in the bathroom stall over the last one I'd been in love with. Yeah. I was real happy. But, my friends, all the world is a stage and every single one of us can act. Some of us are better at it than others.

My opinion is that Alvaro is a very good actor and a bad liar.

What I said was going on, really was going on. So it was beyond bizarre, but the part that was sort of "normal" in a bad way, was his cheating. I mean, people cheat on eachother and it's bad, but it's normal. But I don't put up with it. I did what I had to do and then I told him to pack his bags. If he had not been cheating on me AND hadn't been doing some weird things on the side, sure, I would have married him. No question.

But there were a few problems. Yeah, and it was more than cheating besides. And I swear to God, I will never marry anyone who I KNOW is cheating on me before we're even married!

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