Thursday, May 21, 2009

State Paid Psychologist Asks For Gag Order

Let me first say, I have been talking to this same woman for over a MONTH and all this time she told me it was FINE for me to record our sessions, so I stayed with her and was only discussing schedules with her. At the last minute, she changes her mind, which I'm sure has something to do with CPS influence, and now I am forced to find someone else at the very last minute. I don't appreciate having someone string me along all this time, to back out on what they said and promised to start.

The psychologist who first said she would allow me to record our sessions, which is where I would primarily be the one speaking, later decided she would not evaluate me if I did not agree to her gag order of signing a statement promising I would not publish any information about my psychologist evaluations. First she said it was fine to record, and I've wasted a month trying to set up an eval with her, and at the last minute, she changed her tune, and then referred me out. She made it sound as though she was only asking me not to publish anything about HER, but what she's really asking, is for me to not publish any of my own records which would be made by her, but derived from tests that I take personally, and statements that I personally make.

RE: Psych Eval‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 5/21/09 3:10 PM

Ms. Neumann,

I understand your concerns. If I were being paid by the state, I would also be concerned about being accountable in a public manner for whatever opinions were formed.

I feel, if a psychologist isn't comfortable having their own client's freedom of speech freely expressed, there is something wrong. As you know, any one of your clients may obtain their medical or psychological records. Do you realize, Ms. Neumann, that this means you are not the sole proprietor of this information? You do not own information that is obtained between you and your client. You are bound by confidentiality laws, but any and every other client you see is NOT. This means any client is free to disseminate and publish information about their own records if they choose to do so and most psychologists do not first require a gag order prior to evaluation.

I feel that any psychologist worth their salt (not implying you're not but maybe you haven't thought of it this way) should not be afraid of what any client has to say about them after an evaluation, if they are doing the evaluation honestly and without prejudice. It should be a relief to a psychologist that the conversations could not be misconstrued because they are being recorded. I would think, for all fair purposes, it would be advantageous to any psychologist, to HAVE the conversations and evaluations recorded.

Of course, those psychologists who prefer to form opinions without any kind of practical safeguarding or accountability, should probably not be taking state money to perform evaluations where families are concerned.

I will not have any psychological evaluation where it is insisted I am obligated to keep my OWN records PRIVATE and unpublished, or where I am told I must sign a gag order first and not allow others to hear recorded sessions if I so desire to share.

Thank you for letting me know. I don't know that the other psychologists you mentioned have more confidence in their own abilities to perform a fair evaluation or not.


Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 16:43:46 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Psych Eval
> Hello Cameo -- I have been thinking over your previous e-mails
> concerning the amount of time allocated to the evaluation and your
> thoughts that this is not adequate, as well as your statement that you
> would not honor my request not to have information about me, including
> recordings made by you of me, posted in any public forum, including the
> internet.
> I regret that I will not be able to conduct the evaluation. I am happy
> to provide you with the names of two other area psychologists, who may
> be more amenable to your requests
> Thank you, Dr. Neumann
> > > Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 09:59:15 -0400
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: Psych Eval
> > >
> > > Hello Cameo -- please recheck the dates -- you wrote _May_ 3 - 7 or
> > 11 -
> > > 15th. Since it is already May 19, I imagine you meant June 3 - 7 or 11
> > > -15. Let me know that this is correct, please. Here is what I can do:
> > > Thursday, June 11, 9 - 11 a.m. and 5 - 7 p.m.; Friday, June 12, 1 - 5
> > > p.m. That is 8 hours and should be adequate. Let me know as soon as you
> > > are able to, so that I am able to allocate these time slots to you.
> > >
> > > Also, I am going to ask you to sign a statement that you will not
> > > publish the tape recordings you make, nor anything else about me
> > > on-line. Can you agree to that? Dr. Neumann

Here is where Neumann writes that she's going to evaluate me over a total of 16 hours. She first tells me I can record everything and she doesn't have a problem with that, and says she needs at LEAST 16 hours to perform a decent and accurate evaluation, and then she totally changes her tune and says she just needs 8 hours total and also suddenly asks me to agree to a gag order on my own fucking medical records. No thanks. Something is wrong to go from wanting to do a thorough eval and being open-minded, to suddenly wanting to slap something together for the state in just 8 hours and with zero accountability.

> > > > Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 18:36:00 -0400
> > > > > > > From:
> > > > > > > To:
> > > > > > > Subject: Re: Psych Eval
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Hello Cameo -- Let's think this through a bit. I had no idea
> > you
> > > > would
> > > > > > > not be in this area when the eval was being done. I absolutely
> > > > prefer
> > > > > > > to see an individual across several weeks, say with 4 meetings
> > > > during
> > > > > > > that time, so I get an idea of what they are like across
> > time. I
> > > > think
> > > > > > > this gives the evaluation much more validity and reliability.
> > > > However,
> > > > > > > since you need to fly here to meet with me -- I am not sure
> > how to
> > > > > > > proceed. I would like to save you the time and expense of
> > multiple
> > > > > > > trips cross country. Perhaps we would need to meet on
> > successive
> > > > days
> > > > > > > for 4 hours each day. I'm not sure what you think of this. Let
> > > > me know
> > > > > > > so that we can schedule. Also, when do you need the
> > evaluation to be
> > > > > > > completed? Ms. Erickson said there was no deadline, but I
> > > > presume you
> > > > > > > would like it done soon? It will take me around 6 weeks after
> > > > testing
> > > > > > > is completed to have a final report for you.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > As for scheduling, I could meet with you next Thursday, May
> > 14 at 2
> > > > > > > p.m. I could meet until 5 that day. We would need to schedule
> > > > another
> > > > > > > one or two meetings and I could not do that before Wednesday,
> > > > May 20.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Let me know your thoughts. Dr. Neumann

I have to insert the email where I asked if I could record our sessions and she AGREED, here. But I'm going to do it in a little bit. Stay posted.

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