Thursday, May 21, 2009

Message Sent From My Account?

This is weird. I just got one of those "undeliverable" messages, and it says it was sent from my box, but there's this weird ad and message associated with it that doesn't even make sense. At any rate, it was sent to some insurance guy in the UK. ? I didn't write it. It was sent in the afternoon and it wasn't from me. It says something about sailing away and then has a listing or ad for real estate. ?! So weird. Believe me, it wasn't me. I was lucid yesterday, as always.

Okay, I should copy this...look at what came back to me as undeliverable:

Forwarded Message: [SPAM (Non-existent user)] - On this coast so wild and shingly - Local recipient does not exist
[SPAM (Non-existent user)] - On this coast so wild and shingly - Local recipient does not existThursday, May 21, 2009 3:29 PM
From: loree_baird@yahoo.comTo: scene of life are taken then And all night long they sailed away mdstg
rtwasza xvn

Yeah, so anyway, I didn't send that. I don't have real estate to sell besides. No wonder my sugar daddies aren't disappearing into thin air all of a sudden. Either someone ran out of their own SPAM privileges or they're trying to sabotage my love life. mutually beneficial possibilities.

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